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Zinbryta (daclizumab) withdrawn after overseas reports of inflammatory brain disorders

Consumers and health professionals are advised that Biogen Australia, in consultation with the TGA, will withdraw Zinbryta (daclizumab) from the Australian market following cases of serious inflammatory brain disorders in Europe.

Zinbryta is used for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis to delay the progression of physical disability and to reduce the frequency of relapse. It can only be prescribed to patients who are being treated by a neurologist.

The TGA has not received any reports of inflammatory brain disorders occurring in Australian patients who have been prescribed Zinbryta.

Biogen will be coordinating a worldwide withdrawal of Zinbryta. To give time for Australian patients to transition off the medicine it will be supplied in Australia until 31 May 2018.

Biogen Australia has written to health professionals who treat patients with Zinbryta explaining the situation and advising on the next steps.

If you are treating any patients who use Zinbryta be alert to this issue.

Explain the situation to them and ensure they are referred to their treating neurologist to arrange alternative treatments.

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