Youth State of Volunteering in Queensland Report launch

Almost three quarters of young Queenslanders contribute over 128 million hours
of volunteer work to Queensland communities every year.
To celebrate National Volunteer Week beginning 20th May 2024, Volunteering Queensland has released key information highlighting the welcome contribution of young people volunteering in their communities.
Earlier in May, the second State of Volunteering in Queensland Report was released revealing a 10% decline in overall volunteering over the last three years. However the report revealed the 15 – 24 age group as the third largest age cohort to volunteer. Also, youth of Queensland have a strong intent for volunteering in the future, with 65% saying they will be volunteering the same or more in the next three years.
This latest report on youth volunteerism reveals that 474,000 Queenslanders aged 15 -24 (68.5%) volunteer 22.6 hours per month, equating to 128.4 million hours per year. Most of the volunteering is given toward event support, teaching, coaching and skilled support. This generous gift of time and skills contributes an extraordinary $16.4 billion of benefits to Queensland each year.
Mara Basanovic, CEO, Volunteering Queensland said “This data reflects the importance of embedding volunteering in our educational settings. We are delighted that our Active Volunteering program has worked with over 16,000 students in hundreds of schools across the State since its inception in 2009. The 1,100 students enrolled this year will learn the fundamentals of volunteering and participate in real volunteering experiences to set up a pattern of volunteering for life.”
For every dollar invested in youth volunteering, $3.60 of benefit is returned. Whilst this number is lower than that of the return for the whole population ($1:$4.70), the report has found that a young person who volunteers will return much greater value to the community over the course of their volunteering career than someone who commences volunteering later in life due to the cumulative impact of their efforts.
The Hon Leeanne Enoch Minister for Treaty, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Minister for Communities and Minister for the Arts welcomed the report.
“The Queensland Government proudly funds Volunteering Queensland as the peak agency to promote volunteering and build sector capacity. I acknowledge the findings of the State of Volunteering in Queensland Report, and am heartened to see the 15 – 25 age group as the third largest age cohort to volunteer with a strong intent to continue.
“It’s evident our young people can see the benefit in volunteering, which creates pathways to employment, forges strong and connected communities and offers support services for vulnerable Queenslanders.
“During National Volunteer Week, we sing the praises of Queensland’s volunteers, who are always willing to roll up their sleeves to support Queensland,” the Minister said.
Volunteering from an early age builds valuable skills that serve individuals well throughout their lives and make them more effective volunteers, increase personal wellbeing and makes for more productive employees. Volunteering while young also instils a sense of civic responsibility and makes service a core part of a person’s identity. We know now that young people are motivated to volunteer to help others (61.5%), be active, for enjoyment, social and community connection and to gain confidence.
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