Woolworths pharmacy partnership

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia notes the announcement today of a partnership between Woolworths subsidiary HealthyLife Pharmacy, and pharmacist Warren Turner.
A statement from HealthyLife Pharmacy said SuperPharmacy, under the banner of HealthyLife Pharmacy, will provide what it describes as holistic services while Mr Turner will provide pharmacy services and continue to be an independent provider of pharmacy services.
A spokesperson for the Guild said it was monitoring the development and examining any possible implications of it.
“We have contacted the pharmacy authorities in all jurisdictions across Australia to ensure this partnership meets all the State and Territory-based registration requirements that all pharmacies must comply with,” the spokesperson said.
“We also note that the Federal Government, and all State and Territory Governments, have committed to the continuing support of the existing model of pharmacy.
“This model had proven over many years to be an effective, accessible, safe and reliable provider of health services to communities in all parts of Australia.
“It is protected by legislation at the federal and State and Territory levels.
“The Guild will keep members informed of developments on this issue.