Wising up on pain management

To ensure pharmacists are well placed to manage pain, Arrotex has partnered exclusively with PainWISE to launch a new key feature, and will be making the PainWISE program available online via the Online Learning Management System.
With research showing that one in five Australians will suffer chronic pain in their lifetime and with up to 80% of people living with chronic pain reportedly missing out on treatment,1,2 it is important that pharmacists are equipped to provide the most relevant and up-to-date advice on pain management.
Joyce McSwan, Clinical Pharmacist, Pain Educator and Managing Director of PainWISE, said there are several ways in which the online program will aid the role of the pharmacist in pain management.
“The PainWISE Online program provides the pharmacist with the latest information in pain management, relevant to their scope of practice. It provides them with clinical knowledge and helps pharmacists to put their learnings into practice.
“From being able to make better product selection that is personalised to their patient’s type of pain, to monitoring the safe use of analgesics, to discussing other adjunctive evidence based alternatives with patients, this program builds value to their existing pharmacy services,” said Ms McSwan.
The PainWISE Pharmacy Professional Service program focuses on equipping pharmacist with tools to educate patients about their pain experience, help the patient to make safer and better evidence-based purchasing decisions and optimise their pain management planning to improve their persistent pain condition.
Arrotex understands the unique role of pharmacies within the primary health sector as the first point of contact for most patients suffering persistent pain.
Ms McSwan said pain can be a very isolating journey and services are very hard to access with long wait times.
“The trained pharmacist will be able to confidently adapt the pain science to the patient’s priorities and needs. The mentoring and coaching aspect beyond the education component for the pharmacist is also unique to the PainWISE Program, as no other current pain education program provides that degree of support,” she said.
The new online platform is a self-paced learning program with bite-size modules that are easy for pharmacists to fit into their busy schedules.
Pharmacists simply enquire and register online and once registration is approved, the pharmacist can commence their learning modules.
Benefits include:
• Modules that are delivered in an easy to navigate learning management system that can be self-paced,
• Modules that are interactive with role playing that is easily applied to a community pharmacy setting,
• Modules can be completed within 2 months of registration, and
• At completion, participants will achieve up to 10 CPD points.
About Arrotex:
Arrotex Pharmaceuticals is Australia’s largest generic pharmaceutical and private label over the counter (OTC) medicines company. Arrotex Pharmaceuticals was formed following the merger of Arrow Pharmaceuticals (Arrow) and Apotex Australia (Apotex) in July 2019 and is today, the largest privately owned Australian pharmaceutical company operating in Australia.
About PainWISE:
PainWISE is an Australian based innovative company founded in 2013. It is known for its pioneering development of evidence based self-management patient pain programs within the primary (community) health, public and hospital health sector for those suffering subacute or persistent/chronic pain. PainWISE specialises in healthcare transformation projects and health pathway innovations to meet the growing pain management needs of the community.