Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot reaches 10,000 consultation milestone

More than 10,000 patients have now been treated by their local community pharmacist for a range of common conditions under the Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot.
“Reaching 10,000 patient consultations as part of the Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot is clear demonstration of the trust that patients have in highly trained community pharmacists to provide safe, timely and quality care for everyday conditions and healthcare needs,” said Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Victoria Branch Committee Member, Megan Kazantzis.
Under the Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot, patients can visit their participating local community pharmacy to receive treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs), a repeat supply of oral contraceptives, treatment for shingles and the flare up of mild plaque psoriasis, and travel health vaccinations.
Since the 12-month pilot began in October 2023, community pharmacies have safely provided more than 5,290 consultations for women experiencing an uncomplicated UTI, with the ability to prescribe antibiotics for treatment under prescribing protocols set by the Victorian Government.
Community pharmacists have also provided around 3,160 consultations for the repeat supply of oral contraceptives as part of the pilot. More than 2,200 Victorians have accessed travel health and other vaccines at a community pharmacy as part of the pilot.
“The numbers speak for themselves. The Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot is a win for the thousands of patients who have already safely accessed treatment for these conditions at their local community pharmacy as well as practical step to relieve pressure on our overstretched GPs and emergency departments,” Ms Kazantzis said.
While the pilot is due to end in October 2024 given its success so far, the Guild expects this to become an ongoing service and looks forward to continuing to work closely with the Victorian Government and other healthcare professionals to support better ways to respond to patients’ health needs.
More than 760 pharmacies across Victoria are participating in the pilot. Community members can find out more information about their nearest participating community pharmacies and the services they offer via the Victorian Government’s Better Health Channel.