The world is going to be a much kinder place in 2021, apparently

“2021 is all about humanity, unconditional love compassion and looking out for your neighbour.”
Psychic and certified medium Linda Willow Roberts shares her energy predictions for 2021 – and thank goodness, it’s good news for the year ahead. Mostly…
Well let’s start off with December! Wow 1st of December is the day after the Full moon eclipse then there is a Solar eclipse on the 14 December which gives us a fortnight to sort the Karma out. Who has people from the past popping up and passing you in the Street? This eclipse season is bringing up old people, situations, and memories.
The minute this happens look back and see how far you have come, then if it wasn’t a good situation think about what the lesson was you can take away from that experience, forgive and let go, of the lesson. Spirit doesn’t want you taking this karmic patterning into the new Aquarian age. Oh, while we are on that 21st of December, 2020, Saturn and Jupiter meet in the sign of Aquarius and if you start singing, “this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius the age of Aquarius,” well you would be right.
I am so excited about the shift of energy into 2021, if humanity hasn’t had the shakeup it needed this year well, I don’t know what would do it. 2021 is all about humanity, unconditional love compassion and looking out for your neighbour.
A little bit rebellious so humanity will not conform or believe everything they are being told as we move forward, there will be whistle blowers like we have never seen before.
As a number 5 year it again confirms it is about humanity moving forward after all we have 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses and 5 vital organs. I feel that as a consciousness we need to be sending healing to each survival organ in our body and connecting to each soul of that particular organ.
December’s 3 major energy shifts was the icing on the cake, during 2020 I felt my light body become larger to house the new energies coming in and I really had to step into the mainstream media sharing predications and quoting spirit to raise the curiosity of the mainstream public.
I looked up number 5 on the periodic table and it equates to Boron used in magnets, nuclear reactors and nutrients for plants and I thought then metal will be a good bet 2021 maybe buy gold. But, on the flip side I wondered whether there would be a jump in Nuclear fusion findings unveiled. When we move into new age new developments and inventions always seem to appear out of nowhere.
It is also the year of the Red Metal Ox, so agriculture will be featured, minerals and communication and technology, all other business will need to start consolidating to stay afloat.
On a personal note, 2020 has returned us to basic living, slowing down and dealing with what surfaced and 2021 will see a changed population, all wanting more than just nine to five jobs, the mainstream has shifted in their curiosity to feel, sense, or know there is something bigger than us. Now they want more out of life, they want to be self-sufficient, planning for the future, becoming manifestors of their own destiny’s.
Love in 2021 is about depth, and if you’ve done the inner work, the purging and releasing here comes twin flames and soul mates galore. Depending where you are on your journey the Universe will still send Wound mates to get the lessons across if you’ve missed them the first time. The masculine and feminine is now balancing. It’s like we have all grown up and coming into our late adolescent years and feeling free, full of love and life.
I feel the shifting of the plates between Australia and New Zealand, so I am expecting more seismic activity in this area this year as well as on the West Coast of America right up to Alaska.
Terrorism is again back on the agenda for 2021 being as it is a metal year, I hope it is not bombings, but I feel Europe will be the targeted area. The South Pacific Island are going to cop a flogging with water as well.
I also feel that there will be some interesting aquatic discoveries in 2021 new species that have never been seen before.
Our light being friends will continue to stream into our world via the Aura poles where the electromagnetic field is much thinner and looking up towards the night sky, we will see things that we only visited in meditation and dreams.
The elders of all original landowners of the world, will be listened to more as they have been taught about the cycle and evolution of our planet and the back to basic knowledge that can repair what damage has already been done can now be restored to its natural state. Because 2021 we are moving from I to WE ARE ONE!
Linda Willow Roberts is a speaker, certified medium, spiritual teacher, psychic, clairvoyant, certified angel intuitive, reiki master, theta healer, psychometry expert, and author.
Image by willian_2000 from Pixabay