The Guild welcomes streamlined access to medicinal cannabis

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland Branch has welcomed the Government’s decision to repeal the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Act 2016 to make it easier for patients to access medicinal cannabis.
Pharmacy Guild Queensland Branch President, Professor Trent Twomey said the decision removes a key barrier and bureaucratic red tape for prescribers and simplifies premises related issues for pharmacists.
“This year, the number of approvals for SAS-B medicinal cannabis products increased to over 700 nationally. We can see that doctors are becoming more comfortable to prescribe medicinal cannabis in situations where they deem the product to be appropriate.
“Under the latest changes, medicinal cannabis will be treated the same as schedule 8 medicines or schedule 4 medicines, improving patient access.
“It is vital for pharmacists to understand the key clinical role they will play regarding dose administration and titration issues regarding the various products.
“The Guild encourages all pharmacies to be ready and willing to assist patients with enquiries regarding medicinal cannabis products,” Professor Twomey said.