Shouta offers free nano-gifts for retail, hospitality and healthcare workers

Nano-gifting app Shouta is giving away $5 ‘Shouts’ for hospitality, retail and healthcare workers this August, hoping to help Aussies that have been helping the country get through the pandemic.
The business allows users to easily give digital, customisable ‘nano-gifts’ to others in order to brighten someone’s day – with options starting at $5. Through its ‘Shout a Workers’ campaign, the app is giving away 50 $5 coupons that go toward a recipient of an eligible industry.
Hospitality workers will be targeted on August 11th to 13th, retail 18th to 20th, and healthcare 25th to 27th.
“We’ve seen a surge in Aussies looking for innovative ways to connect over lockdown, and with the rise of nano-gifting, we want people to know that thoughtfulness doesn’t need to be expensive, time consuming, or boring,” said Shouta co-founder Carly Shamgar.
“We’re encouraging everyone to jump on board and shout a hospitality, retail, or healthcare worker a digital gift to let them know they’re appreciated.
“We know this is an incredibly hard time for not only these industries, but all Australians suffering through lockdowns and a little thought can go a long way.”