Restrictions on eScripts relaxed in greater Melbourne region

General practices in the greater Melbourne area are being encouraged to use new electronic prescribing functionality to support people most at risk from COVID-19 and to communicate with local pharmacies to ensure everyone is ready to write and dispense an eScript.
The new technology has been in testing since May, but last week the Australian Digital Health Agency asked that practices located outside the trial regions not rush to use the technology until there was a wider roll-out in the pharmacy sector.
More than 10,000 electronic prescriptions have been successfully transmitted, and 13 software solutions, covering over 80 per cent of those used by GPs and pharmacies, are now conformant with eScript specifications.
However, an ADHA spokesperson said it was still working out a plan for scaling nationally asked that prescribers outside the communities of interest trialling the technology wait until pharmacies in their areas are up and running.
“This will avoid a situation where a consumer presents at a pharmacy with an electronic prescription and is unable to get their medicine dispensed because the pharmacy is not yet ready.”
With greater Melbourne under stage 4 restrictions, the agency said it was working with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Pharmacy Guild along with the federal Department of Health to support doctors and pharmacists to access the new technology faster.
In a joint communique, ADHA, the RACGP and the Guild released a list of steps for practices and pharmacies to take to ready themselves for eScripts.
Step 1 is to contact software vendors and ask them to activate ePrescribing functionality. Step 2 is to communicate with local general practices and pharmacies to ensure everyone is ready to write and dispense an electronic prescription. Step 3 is to stay informed by attending webinars and education sessions provided by ADHA and the peak bodies.
“If you have made the preparations outlined below, you can and should commence electronic prescribing in Greater Melbourne, starting with the patient’s preferred choice of how they receive their prescriptions and medicines,” the organisations said.
“Practices and pharmacies in other areas of Australia are being advised to prepare for a broader rollout by getting software ready and participating in training opportunities being provided by the Agency, peak bodies and software providers.”
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash