Real-time integration with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) by leading digital health tech provider GuildLink

Recent legislative changes mean pharmacists will be required to report information on COVD-19 and flu vaccinations that they administer to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) from 1 March 2021, or face penalties.
Software provider GuildLink integrated their flagship product GuildCare NG with the AIR in 2018, meaning vaccination cases are batch uploaded overnight. Upcoming enhancements will see the integration between GuildCare NG and the AIR in real time.
Arun Sharma, GuildLink CEO comments, ‘This real-time integration between GuildCare NG and the AIR is a natural progression for our product. It will help pharmacists meet the mandatory reporting requirements, and it will free up pharmacist time, by making the process more efficient.’
‘Ensuring data is securely and accurately uploaded to the AIR, with no further reporting required by pharmacy staff is just one way we are delivering software that improves pharmacy workflows. Its quicker, easier and fully compliant with the recent legislative changes.’
This is just one of the recent initiatives by GuildLink to further improve GuildCare NG. Upgrades to the existing Community Booking solution that allows patients to book directly with their pharmacist for in-store services are on the horizon.
Arun Sharma comments “These enhancements will make it seamless for a patient to book a vaccination service, have it delivered by the pharmacist, who will be able to see the patients AIR record from within GuildCare NG in real-time before providing the service. The pharmacist can then easily record the service against the patient record, and with the AIR, then claim for the service in one easy to use system.”
“At GuildLink, our focus has always been on community pharmacies and how we can deliver technology that supports pharmacists to deliver better patient outcomes.”