Queensland company goes global with 15-minute COVID-19 test

A small and largely unheard of Queensland company that employed fewer than 20 people a year ago has now gone global following the launch today of its low-cost, high sensitivity rapid COVID-19 test.
An earlier scientific breakthrough by AnteoTech’s life sciences team was being developed as the basis of a test for Sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection in the body. The global pandemic saw AnteoTech focus this technology to develop an antigen test for COVID-19 that could deliver a result within 15 minutes.
The company’s trademarked EuGeni testing platform and COVID-19 test have been given the green light for sale across Europe where more than 46 million people have contracted COVID-19.
AnteoTech CEO Derek Thomson said in Brisbane today that the EuGeni platform would enable the Company to start selling tests into the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, with the aim of having it available in Australia by mid-year.
“This is a major milestone for the company, with our sights set on finalising approvals here in Australia and in the US where our technology is already being used by another Brisbane company (Ellume) to target the home test market,” he said.
AnteoTech’s technology attracted the support of the Queensland Government which provided a $1.4 million grant to help progress the COVID-19 rapid test through to commercialisation.
Mr Thomson said as well as capturing a large slice of the European rapid test market, AnteoTech was ready to roll out a saliva-based version of the test, ending the need for invasive nasal swabs.
The EuGeni platform could also be used to detect other infections, bacterial and viral conditions.
“We believe we have a superior test with high sensitivity and specificity based on our unique AnteoBindTM technology,” Mr Thomson said. “We will soon enhance this offering with a saliva use case and new COVID-19/Flu A/FluB Multiplex test, which will give us a very strong competitive advantage over other products currently on the market.”
Mr Thomson said the Company would also be delivering the vital Sepsis test. The delivery of effective, life-saving treatment for Sepsis is time critical. It is difficult to diagnose Sepsis promptly and it is often missed, resulting in a very high global morbidity rate.
Mr Thomson said: “From very humble beginnings, our very small scientific team has been working around the clock to bring forward this test platform, given its importance in helping to tackle the global pandemic.
“I also thank the Queensland Government for its contribution to the commercialisation of the test and platform.”
Photo by Lucas Vasques on Unsplash