Queensland Branch welcomes Queensland Health’s free influenza vaccination initiative

Today Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier of Queensland, and Yvette D’Ath, Minister of Health and Ambulance Services, announced Queensland residents aged between 5 and 64 years can receive a free influenza vaccination in Queensland community pharmacies from Tuesday 24 May onwards.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch President, Chris Owen has welcomed the announcement and congratulates the Palaszczuk Government for ensuring Queensland residents can easily access preventative healthcare services through their local community pharmacy.
“I welcome today’s announcement of free influenza vaccines for Queensland residents,” Mr. Owen said.
“The Queensland Branch has successfully advocated for increased access to influenza vaccines through the recently launched National Immunisation Program Pilot.”
“With the announcement of this initiative, we are pleased to see the continued and necessary growth in community pharmacists’ role in the administration of influenza vaccines to the community,” Mr. Owen said.
“On average, patients visit a community pharmacy 18 times a year and this initiative ensures that as many Queenslanders as possible have access to preventative health measures with the influenza vaccine.”
“Queensland community pharmacists have a strong and proud history of being at the forefront to provide preventative healthcare measures for Queenslanders. This includes the first in the nation to rollout COVID-19 vaccinations through community pharmacy and Queensland pharmacist immunisers are leading the country with the number of vaccinations they can administer.”
“This initiative, in addition to the Urinary Tract Infection Pharmacy Pilot – Queensland (UTIPP-Q) and Full Scope Pharmacy Pilot, shows the foresight of the state government to continue and expand its investment in community pharmacy.”
“In allowing community pharmacists to practice to their full scope ensures that Queensland patients do not end up in already over-crowded hospital emergency departments because they cannot easily access primary healthcare services.”
“Influenza vaccinations will be administered by highly trained and qualified pharmacists who must attain a current first aid and CPR certificate and accreditation in anaphylaxis management.”
“I encourage Queenslanders to visit their local community pharmacy to receive their free influenza vaccine before Thursday 30 June 2022.”