QLD Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice is delivering for patients

Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland Branch President Chris Owen announced today that a number of community pharmacies in North Queensland have now begun offering services to patients under the Queensland Community Scope of Practice Pilot (the Pilot).
Under the Pilot, community pharmacists who have undertaken 12 months of additional training can offer additional services to patients for 21 conditions. Conditions include school sores, shingles, mild psoriasis, wound management, swimmer’s ear, weight loss management and hypertension among others.
Making the announcement in Cairns with the Premier of Queensland, Steven Miles, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women Shannon Fentiman MP and Pharmacy Guild of Australia President Professor Trent Twomey, Mr Owen thanked the Queensland Government and said the Pilot would be a game changer for patients.
“I would like to acknowledge the leadership being shown by the Miles Labor government in allowing community pharmacists to work to a fuller scope of practice,” Mr Owen said.
“The Pilot’s chief goal is to supplement – not replace – existing primary healthcare services and give patients in Queensland more choices to access to the healthcare they need,” said Mr Owen
“Patient consultations will take place in purpose-built consultation rooms ” Mr Owen said.
Mr Owen also said that while the Pilot was the first of its kind in Australia, it is in line with best practice globally.
“We’re used to leading the pack here in Queensland,” said Mr Owen, “the addition of these services helps bring us into line with other jurisdictions like England, Wales, Canada and New Zealand,” said Mr Owen.
“We also anticipate the Pilot will help alleviate the pressure being felt in hospital emergency departments as patients get greater and more timely access to the health care services they are seeking,” said Mr Owen, “just about every town and city across Queensland has a community pharmacy.”
“We know that 97% of people who live in metropolitan areas live within 2.5 kilometres of their nearest community pharmacy, and 83% of regional Australians live within 5 kilometres of their nearest pharmacy,” Mr Owen said.
North Queenslanders interested in accessing these services are encouraged to visit www.findapharmacy.com.au