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Public urged to nominate their favourite pharmacy

Pharmacy of the year

Members of the public are invited to nominate their favourite community pharmacy for the prestigious Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s next Pharmacy of the Year award.

These awards are the benchmark for recognising excellence in the community pharmacy industry and aim to seek out highly motivated, innovative and adaptable pharmacy businesses that strive to provide the best and most innovative healthcare to support their community.

The 2022 awards mark a return of the traditional format for the event after last year’s COVID-19 modified version in which all of Australia’s 5,900 community pharmacies were recognised for their extraordinary work and dedication during the year.

Last year the awards showcased all that community pharmacies have done and continue to do during the challenging times that have defined 2020 and into 2021.

In a streamlining of the nomination process, this year the application process has been simplified to make it easier and faster for people to nominate their favourite pharmacy.

Now anyone can nominate their favourite community pharmacy, with nominations open to patients and the general public.

National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia Trent Twomey said nominations could be made in three categories: Excellence in Business Management, Excellence in Community Engagement, and Excellence in Professional Innovation.

“These awards recognise the very best in the community pharmacy profession as it continues to innovate and develop new ways of helping to improve the health outcomes of the patients community pharmacies serve,” he said.

“I encourage everyone to nominate their favourite community pharmacy so they are in the running for this coveted award.”

The awards are sponsored by Care Pharmaceuticals whose General Manager Jonathan Biddle said his company was proud to be involved in an event which celebrated excellence in the profession.

“Through this very worthwhile event we are able to give back to that sector which is so much a part of our everyday business,” he said.

“It is also great to see some of the amazing things community pharmacists are doing every day recognised and celebrated nationally.”

Australian Patients Association Chief Executive Officer, Stephen Mason, urged all Australians to participate in the Pharmacy of the Year Award and nominate their favourite community pharmacy for the award.

“Patients trust their community pharmacist and value their advice,” he said.

“Now is the ideal opportunity to acknowledge the vital role that community pharmacy plays by nominating your pharmacy now”.

Characteristics that can lead to being recognised as the Guild Pharmacy of the Year include:
• Having set and achieved business goals
• Demonstrating commitment to customers’ needs
• Identifying and meeting gaps in addressing local health needs in their area
• Implementing innovative ideas, and evaluating success
• Having successfully collaborated and partnered to strengthen their health professional network
• Demonstrating strong leadership that unifies the pharmacy team
• Continually improving and growing their business

The category winners and overall winner of the Guild Pharmacy of the Year awards will be announced at the 2022 APP Conference, held on 24-27 March 2022 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. The Guild Pharmacy of the Year awards are an initiative of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, sponsored by Care Pharmaceuticals.

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