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Pharmacy Connect Chairman’s Top 12 Must-Attend Sessions for PC2024

Pharmacy Connect is an annual event for pharmacists, owners, executives, students, interns, and industry representatives, offering industry and clinical updates, business advice, and networking opportunities. 

Each year, Pharmacy Connect Convenor Kos Sclavos AM shares his top program highlights – a difficult task given the outstanding quality of the sessions and speakers for this year’s event. 

Here are Kos’s top 12 recommendations for 2024, listed in order of conference date and time:

1) Business workshops (Thursday PM)

Day one features a variety of pre-conference workshops covering business and clinical topics. I wish to highlight the ‘Building the Pharmacy of the Future: Navigating Change, Embracing Innovation Workshop.’ With the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) announced, this workshop will assist delegates in planning with some certainty. The past 18 months have been very reactive – now is the time to review your business plan in a structured way and set your strategy for the future. Please note that workshop fees are an additional cost.

2) Guild member-only breakfast (Friday AM)

All parties who negotiate agreements have a plan. The Guild is no different. In this ‘closed’ memberonly session, you will hear the Guild’s strategy that led to the signing of 8CPA. With that knowledge, I encourage pharmacy owners to adapt their parallel business plan to achieve the maximum benefits from this Agreement. 

3) Running towards greatness – unleashing potential with Olympian Peter Bol (Friday AM)

2024 is an Olympic year, with all eyes turning to Paris. Each Olympics brings forth tales of both hardship and triumph. The Peter Bol story is an incredible tale of overcoming challenges and adversity. He will represent Australia proudly. We look forward to Peter inspiring us with details of the Paris Olympics chapter of his life.    

4) Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Beyond the buzz: optimising business performance, operations, and patient care in pharmacy today and tomorrow (Friday PM)

AI is the business buzzword of this decade. Many in the pharmacy sector still find it difficult to see where windfall gains in productivity from AI will occur. Join us at this crucial session where data and AI intersect to support pharmacy operations.  

5) Measures for pharmacies to boost viability (Friday PM)

Pharmacy industry consultant Mal Scrymgeour will outline the approach pharmacies should take and will detail some of the critical measures to consider when addressing the Commonwealth

Government’s 60-day dispensing initiative. The impact of the third tranche will be felt by the time of the Pharmacy Connect conference. 

6) Does gender have an impact on the management of migraine pain? (Friday PM)

The topic of gender pain gap is gaining increased media and clinical attention. It refers to the disparities in the pain experience between men and women. Unconscious gender bias is one of the key contributors to the gender pain gap; this should be a fascinating session.  

Scope of practice pharmacy insurance

7) 8CPA (Friday PM)

This must-see session will discuss all aspects of the Guild / Government signed Agreement. The 8CPA came into effect on 1 July 2024 and will remain in effect until 30 June 2029. It outlines the Australian Government’s agreement to reimburse pharmacists for dispensing subsidised medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) community pharmacy medication management programs and services, including MedsCheck, Dose Administration Aids Program, Indigenous Dose Administration Aids Program, Staged Supply Services Program and Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance Program. The 8CPA commits to carry out a Rapid Review of the Community Pharmacy programs within the first year of implementation (2024–25). During the 8CPA, the Government committed to entering into two separate agreements with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (the Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice Standards) and the National Pharmaceutical Services Association (the First Pharmacy Wholesaler Agreement).

8) Women in Pharmacy Breakfast: Women in leadership roles – empowering perspectives (Saturday AM)

This enlightening panel session features top female leaders from government, industry, and pharmacy, who will share their insights, challenges, and triumphs in navigating leadership roles as a woman. Discover how these empowered women break barriers and inspire the next generation of female leaders. Cost: $50 (includes hot breakfast). 

9) Personal finance – the current financial impact (Saturday AM)

Join one of Australia’s leading personal finance commentators, Effie Zahos, as she explores the current financial impact on personal finances. This session will help us better understand the motivation of the patients and customers we face as Australians deal with cost-of-living pressure. I have seen Effie present – she is a very engaging speaker with a no-nonsense approach. 

10) Doctor of Pharmacy and the intersection of Full Scope (Friday PM)

The new 8CPA states that from 2025, the traditional four-year BPharm + Internship will transition to an integrated five-year master’s program, with graduates ready to undertake all full scope tasks and able to use the title of “Doctor” once they graduate. This session will explain the changes to the pharmacy program, which will enable pharmacy graduates to be full scope ready, and how current pharmacists can participate in and embrace, full scope of practice. 

11) Behaving Badly: Understanding the psychology behind patient behaviour change to improve health outcomes and business sustainability (Saturday AM)

This session will delve into the pivotal role of pharmacists in fostering positive health behaviour change. By exploring the psychology behind behaviour modification, attendees will gain insights into effective and practical strategies for promoting healthier lifestyles. 

12) MedAdvisor Solutions – At the heart of Full Scope of Practice (Saturday PM)

MedAdvisor Solutions is the Queensland Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot software. Pharmacists are encouraged to attend this session to see first-hand how the software will facilitate professional pharmacist services in this exciting new practice area. This session will examine precisely how pharmacist prescribing is driving positive health outcomes for Australian patients and how the software is actively working to empower the pharmacy of the future.

Pharmacy Connect 2024 features a two-and-a-half-day education program, pre-conference workshops, a 70-stand trade exhibition, a Welcome Reception, and a Cocktail Party. The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney from 5-7 September. Full program details and information about these sessions and Pharmacy Connect can be found here.

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