Pharmacies have always been a health frontline. Coronavirus has changed what that means

I’m a pharmacist who runs two pharmacies north-west of Brisbane.
Before the coronavirus pandemic, a typical workday was usually filled with dispensing medicine and triaging minor ailments.
Pharmacies like ours do more than just stock medicine — we’re also a social outlet, especially for the elderly.
It can be as simple as seeing that someone isn’t having a great day and just checking in by saying, “You’re not your usual bubbly self today, is everything alright?”
Sometimes you might be the only person someone speaks to that week.
All of this has changed because of social distancing measures.
Now we tell people to stay away for their own safety and that’s not easy.
“We really don’t want you coming to the pharmacy every second day like you’re used to, just to have a chat.”
It’s gut-wrenching, but I know it’s safer for them to be at home.
To compensate, we’re now delivering medication.
Even then, some will want to talk for half an hour when you see them.
And I empathise, because I know they might not necessarily have a grasp on technology to communicate with loved ones in the same way others might.
The truth is, the last couple of months have probably been the most chaotic in the pharmacy’s history.
But I’m a firm believer that it’s our time to step up in our community.
Life still goes on
People still get sick. It’s not just the coronavirus.
Parents still ask you about head lice.
They still want to talk to you about worms.
And people are still out there getting injured and coming in asking for bandages or antihistamines.
The social distancing does make things a little tricky sometimes.
A young mum doesn’t want to talk to you about her sensitive thrush from 2 metres away.
Before the pandemic, we’d run a clinic for new mums every Wednesday night.
A midwife would come in and answers any questions about breastfeeding, incontinence, sleeping, sex — all the things no-one really tells you about being a mum.
And they’d also check up on how mum and baby are going.
We had to stop that clinic.
I really feel for these new mums who can’t really go anywhere or have anyone come over to help them.
And people handle stress differently.
I think as a community, we feel like we’re not in control right now and that can make some people short-tempered.
“Why am I waiting?”
“Ten minutes?”
“What do you mean you don’t have the clinic?”
These are just some of the common things you hear as a pharmacist.
I don’t know what’s going on in their lives.
I think to myself: “Be patient, maybe they’ve just lost their job.”
But sometimes I wish they could see my side of things, too.
I’ve heard stories of fellow owners who’ve had staff resign because they don’t feel safe at work anymore.
Some have even had to hire security staff at their pharmacies to deal with the violence.
I feel like we’re one of the lucky ones. Our local community has been pretty understanding and I would say most people are grateful.
Business isn’t bad, it’s different
A ‘normal’ day now is just a different kind of busy.
I’m a mum to two small children, so mornings are usually all about getting lunches ready.
When I get to work, my day involves dispensing prescriptions, handing out advice and triaging customers for cuts, coughs and sore tummies.
Now that restrictions are in place, people have heeded the warning and stopped coming in.
And even though our store has less foot traffic, things haven’t really quietened down.
Our entire business model changed pretty much overnight for no extra remuneration.
Two or three weeks ago, we would have averaged maybe one faxed prescription per day. On April 6, I received 200 prescriptions via fax, email or phone call.
We’re still processing the same, if not more, prescriptions; they’re all just coming in electronically now.
My family is home, but I’m not
I’m lucky to have my family nearby at home.
My daughter tells me: “Mummy, you’re going to get sick because you’re at the pharmacy all day with sick people.”
I wonder if she’s right. Am I doing the right thing?
I’m getting in to work early and staying back late way more now. There’s a lot more work to be done from the operational side of things.
The kids say, “Mummy, we’re not seeing you at home”, or “You weren’t there to read me a book to go to bed”.
By the time I get home my family is off to bed and I’m still working because during the day there’s no time to do anything else.
In their world it’s hard to understand.
One of them is handling it better than the other, though.
My daughter wants to be at school with friends right now, playing netball.
Whereas my six-year-old sees it as a holiday where he gets to watch more TV.
Community is worth the risk
My husband and I alternate who gets to work from home each day to keep an eye on the kids.
Normally, my parents would help during holidays, but we obviously don’t want to be putting them at any kind of risk right now.
I’m dealing with the public daily, so I know I’m at greater risk of catching something and bringing it home.
Of course, it’s my job. But it worries my family.
The way I think about it is this: We’re all in this together; we’ve all got to make some sacrifices and we will come out on the other side.
It’s a team effort and everyone’s pitching in right now — whether it’s the doctors, nurses, pharmacists or anyone else on the frontline putting their health at risk for the benefit of others.