PA2024: The full program is out now!

With less than 100 days before the Pharmacy Assistant National Conference (PA2024) kicks off, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Events Committee Member and community pharmacy owner Lucy Walker has announced that the full program for PA2024 has now been released.
Ms Walker said that the conference, which is being held 5-7 September in Sydney, is chock-full of excellent speakers and events.
“PA2024 is coming up quickly, and as the program shows, it’s proving to be one of the year’s marquee events for pharmacy assistants to attend,” said Ms Walker.
“Some key attractions of this year’s conference include a three-hour Refresher Training Workshop and product update, motivational and management-focused sessions, plus a 70-stand trade exhibition and two exciting social events.
Ms Walker also said that one of the sessions she was most looking forward to would be hearing from Olympian Peter Bol.
“Peter is going to be joining us directly after taking part in the Paris Olympics,” said Ms Walker, “his presentation ‘Running towards greatness – unleashing potential with Olympian Peter Bol’ promises to take us on an inspiring journey to understand the benefit of seeing adversity as opportunities for growth.
“Another highlight of PA2024 will be the announcement of The Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Maxigesic Pharmacy Assistant of the Year (PATY) Award National Winner,” said Ms Walker.
“Every year I attend the PA National Conference, I come away with a deep appreciation for hearing the amazing stories from all award participants.”
Early bird registration for PA2024 is still open and closes on 30 June.
To see the full program or for further details and to register your team members, visit