NeuRA CEO elected as 2024 Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Scientia Professor Matthew Kiernan AM CEO at Neuroscience Research Australia has been elected as a 2024 Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, joining the ranks of the nation’s most distinguished scientists. This honour recognises Professor Kiernan’s outstanding contributions to new approaches in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Professor Kiernan is an internationally renowned expert in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly motor neuron disease and frontotemporal dementia. He has made significant advancements in the field of neuroscience, having devised and introduced neurophysiological techniques that enable ion channel function to be studied in vivo in human subjects. These discoveries have delineated normal function and the mechanisms of disease, enabling the identification of therapeutic targets that are now being trialled around the world.
Professor Kiernan’s work has defined diagnostic criteria for neurodegenerative diseases and established consensus guidelines adopted by the World Federation of Neurology. His implementation of novel therapies based on these discoveries is transforming the landscape of treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.
“I am honoured to be elected by my peers as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. This recognition is a testament to the quality of research being undertaken at NeuRA, UNSW and more broadly, the Randwick Health and Innovation Precinct. As a clinician academic and scientist, I wish to thank my collaborators and dedicated research team, whose hard work and commitment have been instrumental in driving our success and translational impact.”
For more on Prof Kiernan’s unique expertise, his path to CEO of Neuroscience Research Australia and his vision for the future of NeuRA watch: #ThinkingOutLoud: Get to know NeuRA’s CEO.