National Pain Week – Chronic Pain

About Chronic Pain Australia
Chronic Pain Australia is the voice of Australians living with chronic pain. We are a grassroots movement whose membership is comprised of people living with chronic pain across Australia. We help our members by providing high-quality, user-friendly, research-based information and support that puts people living with chronic pain at the centre of our attention. Chronic Pain Australia also works towards de-stigmatising chronic pain in society. De-stigmatising chronic pain saves lives through reducing the social isolation that inherently follows this invisible condition.
Facts on Chronic Pain:
- Chronic pain is arguably Australia and the world’s fastest growing medical condition.
• One in five Australians lives with chronic pain including adolescents and children. This prevalence rises to one in three people over the age of 65.
• One in five GP consultations involve a patient with chronic pain and almost five percent report severe, disabling chronic pain.
• The prevalence of chronic pain is projected to increase as Australia’s population ages – from around 3.2 million in 2007 to 5 million by 2050.
• Chronic pain is pain that doesn’t go away when the injury or illness has resolved – and lasts for longer than 3 months.
• It can be associated with chronic disease or injury e.g. arthritis, lupus, cancer and even ongoing infection post injury.
• Many people live with chronic pain that does not have an obvious explanation in the structures of the body. In these situations, the nervous system and brain play a key role.
• Pain that relates to sensitisation of the nervous system can be particularly problematic. It is invisible and can lead to stigma.
Download the National Pain Survey for 2020 to find out more about chronic pain statistics and pain management.