Meet the Top Eight Pharmacy Assistants in Australia

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia/GuildSuper Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award State judging is complete and the eight State Winners have been announced.
From 450 nominations, the top eight pharmacy assistants in the country will go on to compete at the Pharmacy Assistant National Conference on the Gold Coast, in October.
Northern Territory: Chelsea Beard, Stuart Park Pharmacy
Queensland: Julie Warhurst, Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse Cannon Hill
Australian Capital Territory: Erin Pavy, Ainslie Chemmart Compounding Pharmacy
New South Wales: Lisa Ryan, Jetty Village Amcal Pharmacy
Western Australia: Tracy Lowthorpe, Wizard Pharmacy Girrawheen
South Australia: Angela Kay, Waikerie Pharmacy
Victoria: Emilie Hodgins, Priceline Pharmacy Warrnambool
Tasmania: Kylie Richardson, Wilkinson’s Pharmacy
Judge, Nicole Floyd from The Pharmacy Guild of Australia said that her first year as a judge for the Award has been a tough one.
“The quality of nominees made it hard to pick the State Finalists, let alone the top pharmacy assistant in each state,” Ms Floyd said.
“It was wonderful to see how passionate the Finalists were about community pharmacy and their customers’ health and wellbeing,” she said.
Judges picked the top eight pharmacy assistants from 121 State Finalists, making this achievement one to be proud of.
Fellow judge, Maria Martignoni from sponsor, GuildSuper said that all the Finalists were of an extremely high standard.
“It was a pleasure to see each candidate display such a strong commitment to their work and the industry,” Ms Martignoni said.
The Winners will represent their States at the National Finals to be held at the Pharmacy Assistant National Conference on 16 October at the Gold Coast. The National winner will take home over $10,000 in cash and prizes.