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Guild Podcast Ep. 16: Guild’s POTY Ceremony

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Pharmacy of the Year awards are the undisputed benchmark for recognising excellence in the community pharmacy industry.

The awards, celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, aim to seek out highly motivated, innovative and adaptable pharmacy businesses that continuously strive to provide greater healthcare solutions in creative ways. The awards are supported by the primary sponsor, Care Pharmaceuticals as well the Quality Care Pharmacy Program.

The category winners, as well as the overall Pharmacy of the Year, were announced at the APP 2019 conference.

At the conference, we captured the introduction of each category winner, as well as the audio from their story video, which takes us inside their pharmacy and tells us more about their work, and then finally, we recorded their answers to some short questions on stage.

As such, in this episode we hear just a little bit about what makes these winners so successful. However, in the coming episodes, we’ll catch up with each of them in detail and learn much more about their journey and success.

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