Guild launches community pharmacy mentor platform

A dedicated site where the community pharmacy industry can connect and grow through mentoring has been launched by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia.
The site is designed to encourage growth and innovation across the community pharmacy industry.
It also provides an additional avenue for giving and receiving advice relating to the Guild’s strategic planning project to help secure the future of community pharmacy to 2025 and beyond, CP2025.
Acting National President of the Pharmacy Guild Professor Trent Twomey said the mentoring platform provided an opportunity for those in the industry to engage across the workforce, build stronger networks, promote the benefit of a career in community pharmacy and facilitate career progression and leadership.
“The platform is designed to build a mentor network at all levels and will not only assist young pharmacists but also future owners, current members and those looking for development as they progress with CP2025 initiatives,” Professor Twomey said.
“The Guild Mentor Platform is open to those in the community pharmacy industry and experts in other industries, including Guild members, pharmacists. interns, pharmacy assistants, students and industry experts such as those in finance, marketing, human resources and so on.
“This is an invaluable resource and underpins the Guild’s commitment to everyone in the community pharmacy industry.
“It is also an important tool in helping to achieve the objectives of the CP2025 project.”
The Guild Mentor Platform aims to:
- support pharmacists on their career pathway;
- use existing skills and knowledge of pharmacists as mentors to share knowledge and experiences;
- enable both mentors and mentees to learn in a dynamic manner;
- build a sense of collaboration and community for pharmacists in practice; and
- contribute to the personal and career development of both mentors and mentees.
The Guild Mentor Platform can be accessed here.