Glucojel would like to congratulate our October & November Sweet Memories POS display winners!

Glucojel – Australia’s pharmacy only Jelly beans and bears! Would like to Congratulate our October & November winners for the best Glucojel POS display of our Share a Memory. Make a Memory in store competition.
The winning pharmacies for October and November were chosen based on how creatively they displayed the full range of Glucojel using our campaign POS displays.
Comments from our first-place October prize winners Jade Amcal Inglewood Pharmacy said “Their overtime in putting up the display certainly paid off and the display demanded attention from their customers, not only did it help get an uplift in sales, it also sparked interest from the #shareamememorymakememory consumer competition.
They look forward to sharing their $2,000 store prize with the team. “
Our second Glucojel winners for October included Priceline Pharmacy Robina Town Centre, they have been awarded a $1,000 prize. Our third prize of $500 was awarded to Direct Chemist Outlet Brentford Square.

In addition, the following Pharmacies received a Glucojel Prize pack for merit and creativity.
- Cygnet Pharmacy TAS
- TerryWhite Chemmart Whitford City WA
- Direct Chemist Outlet Kilmore VIC
- Direct Chemist Outlet Wallan VIC
- TerryWhite Chemmart Croydon VIC
- Terry White Chemmart Seacliff Park SA
- Tumby Bay Pharmacy SA
- Wholelife Pharmacy and Healthfoods Redland bay QLD
The winning pharmacies for November were:
1st prize to Life Pharmacy Group – Cooleman Court Pharmacy ACT
2nd prize to Blooms the Chemist Cranbourne VIC – $1,000
3rd prize to Terry White Chemart Port Lincoln SA – $500
In addition, the following Pharmacies received a Glucojel Prize pack for merit and creativity.
- Wyndham Chemist VIC
- Bayside Pharmacy Practise SA
- Chrisholm Capital Chemist ACT
- Blooms the Chemist Albury West End NSW
- Morris Care & Advice Pharmacy NSW
- Ouyen Pharmacy VIC
- TerryWhite Chemmart Eildon VIC
- Discount Drug Store Warwick QLD
Congratulations once again to all our winners for October, we thank you for your continued support!