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Getting back to your roots to help relieve chesty cough

It’s something our grandparents may have had in their medicine cupboard back in the day, but today, new generations are discovering just how good Gold Cross Chesty Cough Senega and Ammonia is for chesty cough.

This dark brown cloudy liquid might look like something out of Harry Potter’s Advanced Potion Making curriculum, but this is a real-world remedy for chesty cough that’s been around since the 19th century.

Senega, one of the two active ingredients was discovered by American Indians, derived from the root of the perennial senega herb and listed on the US Pharmacopeia in 1820.

It’s thought the anti-tussive effect of the senega plant root is due to saponins, which much like a detergent, may help to break up phlegm.

Aside from its iconic Gold Cross branding on shelf, Gold Cross Chesty Cough Senega and Ammonia is memorable due to its characteristic wintergreen scent, thanks to small amounts of methyl salicylate that are naturally present in the senega root.

Of course, the other half of this Gold Cross duo is ammonia salts, which are thought to trigger reflex expectoration.

A potion of choice?

Acute cough is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care and is most often related to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), like common colds and influenza as well as bronchitis.

An acute cough may develop over the course of infection as nasal secretions and mucus are produced as part of the innate immune response and this type of cough is usually self-limiting. While dry cough is usually driven by itch and irritation in the throat, a chesty cough is when the cough is trying to bring up mucus further down the airways.

For patients looking simply for chesty cough relief, point them no further than Gold Cross Chesty Cough Senega and Ammonia. At the tail end of a cold or flu with chest congestion, what was good for the grandparent is good for the grandchild. This plant- and ammonia salt-based remedy can help the family kick the last of those winter woes.

Suitable for the family, from 2 years of age

For patients who are not pregnant, breastfeeding or asthmatic, advise them to take a dose every 4 hours by their age:

  • Adults and Children over 12 years: 10-20mL

  • Children 6-12 years: 5mL

  • Children 2-5 years: 2.5mL

For more information, reach out to your local Representative.

Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik.

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