Fred IT launches Australia’s first Artificial Intelligence in pharmacy dispensing

Fred IT Group has launched Australia’s first use of artificial intelligence in pharmacy in its new dispensing platform, called Fred Dispense Plus, to provide pharmacy with more intuitive dispensing and faster access to clinical decision-making.
The new tool – called Fred AID, which stands for Artificial Intelligence Directions – uses artificial intelligence to predict medication directions. The tool allows pharmacists to quickly and safely enter directions for dispensing labels, using a shortcut to copy or edit directions rather than typing these from scratch.
Pharmacist and CEO of Fred IT Group, Paul Naismith, said “We are proud to be the first pharmacy software company in Australia to introduce artificial intelligence to support pharmacists with smarter and more intuitive dispensing.”
“Artificial intelligence will never replace the pharmacist in making clinical decisions. Where it can help is to increase safety and reduce time spent on standard or repetitive tasks, such as keying in medication directions.
Anything that reduces re-keying of information or manual tasks means that pharmacists can spend time where they need to – supporting patients with health and clinical advice and taking care of their business.”
Fred Dispense Plus maintains the core elements that have made Fred Dispense Australia’s most popular and widely used dispensing software, including intuitive workflow, minimal keystrokes, rapid shortcuts, and fast access to all relevant clinical data on a single screen.
In addition, Fred Dispense Plus introduces:
• Faster electronic prescriptions – with embedded My Script List and token management with MedView Flow – and a new touch-based interface
• Smarter tools, including a pricing comparison check and Fred AID, which use artificial intelligence and big data to support clinical and business decision making
• Safer dispensing with a new secure Microsoft SQL local database and integrated MIMS drug interactions
• Further enhancements to safeguard security and access management, and to reduce cyber risk, while providing user choice of approved third party applications directly within Fred Dispense Plus
First showcased at this year’s APP Conference, Fred Dispense Plus and Fred AID are now available. Visit for more information or to arrange a product demonstration.