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First Time on Australian TV Tiger Balm Advertising

For the first time in Australia, Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub will feature in a TV campaign on the brand news format “What’s New?”

The advertising is on air from Sunday 26th July 2015.

Our busy modern lifestyle can cause neck and shoulder tension. Long hours sitting at a desk, stress and constantly being connected can be a real pain in the neck!Key Pharmaceuticals - First Time on Australian TV Tiger Balm Advertising - News

Neck pain is a significant issue for office workers in Australia. 49% of Australian office workers experience neck pain, which is higher when compared to office workers in Finland at 34%1. Office workers were three times more likely to develop neck pain if they were female and high psychological stress appears to increase the chance of experiencing neck pain1.

Specially developed for neck and shoulder pain, Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub can help. Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub provides temporary relief of tense, aching neck and shoulder muscles. Formulated with natural active ingredients wintergreen oil, eucalyptus and mint oils, and with a soothing fragrance, the non-greasy cream is absorbed quickly and can be used anytime, anywhere, even in the office.

Pharmacies are urged to check stock levels to take advantage of the campaign.

For further information please contact:
Jessica Spasik
Key Pharmaceuticals
Phone: (02) 8113 6245
Toll Free Help Line: 1800 653 373

Always read the label. Use only as directed.

1 Hush et al. “Individual, physical and psychological risk factors for neck pain in Australian office workers: a 1-year longitudinal study”. Eur Spine J, 18 (2009): 1532–1540.

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