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Doctors overestimating benefits, underestimating harm of procedures, drugs

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Doctors are often underestimating the harm and overestimating the benefits of common tests, procedures and drugs, a review has found.

An analysis of 48 studies that in total surveyed more than 13,000 clinicians in the US, Europe and Australia, showed 87 per cent of the time most did not accurately estimate the risks of harm from different medical interventions.

Most clinicians surveyed about dozens of tests and treatments, including common cancer and antenatal screens, and popular medications like statins and antipsychotics, also failed in 89 per cent of questions to accurately evaluate the likelihood patients would experience benefits.

More often than not they had underestimated the likelihood of harm and overestimated expectations of benefits, the researchers from Bond University found.

“Clinicians’ expectations of the benefits and harms of interventions can markedly influence the care that patients receive,” they concluded.

“If the benefits and harms are not known or communicated, effective interventions may be underused, low value interventions overused and patients’ informed decision making hampered.”

 A survey of 711 Australian GPs and specialists about a stroke prevention drug, 200 NSW GPs on their knowledge of mammograms, and 96 Gold Coast emergency physicians who were asked about diagnostic imaging risks, were included in the research.

More than 90 per cent of participants were doctors but the results also include the views of some nurses and radiologists.

The research was published on Tuesday in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal and adds to concerns about a global swing towards unnecessary medicine.

It comes a day after leading international doctors and academics released a report in The Lancet medical journal warning that one-third of medical procedures were unnecessarily putting patients at risk of physical, psychological and financial harm.

They said one in five knee replacements done after an arthroscopy in Australia were unnecessary and up to 70 per cent of hysterectomies in the US were inappropriate.

The JAMA article’s lead author Tammy Hoffmann, from Bond’s Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, said inaccurate expectations about what a medical treatment or test would do was contributing to overuse.

The inaccurate benefit and harm expectations of doctors may be driven by “therapeutic optimism” underpinned by a desire to help, or from losing touch with latest evidence, pressure from patients, or financial incentives, Professor Hoffmann said.

“They want to be able to do things that will help people and they believe that something is better than nothing, it’s that desire to help,” she said.

“It can be an unawareness of the current evidence. It can be more insidious things like the fee for service, there are financial rewards sometimes for providing interventions. Also the patient’s expectations sometimes come into it.”

Dr Tony Bartone, vice president of the Australian Medical Association, said while it was important to consider new research, doctors also based clinical decisions on their experience working with patients.

“There are rigorous process and steps in place here in Australia that ensures that we are at world’s foremost position in terms of implementing and delivering quality care to our patients,” he added.

“The cost of healthcare in Australia is not out of control as is sometimes reported and there are processes underway at the moment by government to ensure the medicare benefits scheme is updated and brought into the 21st century.

“Clinicians lead the way and Australian health spending is at a sustainable level.”

View original article on the SMH website here.

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