Devonport pharmacy assistant to represent Tasmania in national award

Pharmacy assistant Jemma Denholm from Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse in Devonport has been chosen to represent Tasmania at the national finals of the 2023 Pharmacy Guild of Australia/ Maxigesic Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award (PATY).
Jemma was selected from eight state finalists at the Tasmania workshop held at the end of June, where participants demonstrated their pharmacy knowledge and showcased their skills in customer service and leadership.
Now in its 17th year, PATY is the premier award for pharmacy assistants in Australia.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Tasmania Branch President, Helen O’Byrne congratulated Jemma for her valuable contribution to community pharmacy in Australia.
“This esteemed award was created to recognise pharmacy assistants who go the extra mile to help patients and who are proactive in developing their own careers.
“Jemma has demonstrated a strong commitment to her work and to the industry, and that is what this award is all about. I congratulate Jemma for standing out as Tasmania’s top pharmacy assistant,” says Ms O’Byrne.
By participating in the National Finals, Jemma will be in the running to take home more than $10,000 in prizes including a $5,000 cash prize, a training package, educational opportunities and other great rewards.
Award judge, Artie Kalogeropoulos from AFT Pharmaceuticals, the award’s major sponsor, was also delighted with Jemma’s selection as the Tasmania state winner.
“Over the years, AFT Pharmaceuticals has demonstrated strong commitment to the support and recognition of excellence amongst our pharmacy assistants, so we are delighted and privileged to support the industry’s premier.
“Congratulations to Jemma for emerging as the winner and representative for Tasmania at the national finals,” says Mr Kalogeropoulos.
In addition to the main award, PATY features the Glucojel Super Star Award, which recognises outstanding customer service amongst the PATY state finalists. Congratulations to Cassandra Death from Terry White Chemmart Riverside for taking out this year’s Glucojel Super Star Award for Tasmania.

2023 PATY Finalist

Glucojel Super Star Award for TAS