Dangerous antipsychotic medicine being overprescribed for elderly patients

Strong medications normally reserved for the very mentally unwell are being used too often and freely on elderly patients, causing damaging side effects and premature death.
Doctors and nurses working in the aged care sector have said this systematic and inappropriate use of antipsychotic drugs, to manage people with dementia and delirium, also ignored clinical guidelines.
Geriatric specialist, Eddy Strivens, said studies had shown that 80 per cent of patients with dementia in nursing homes were being given these antipsychotic drugs.
“These drugs can cause a variety of side effects,” Dr Strivens said.
“But the most troubling ones, actually the ultimate side effect is death.
“We see an increased risk of stroke, we see an increased risk of fall and balance problems, which can lead to fractures, we see sedation and delay in swallowing, and problems with pneumonia as well.”
Dr Strivens, who is also the president of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine, said a 2009 UK study revealed the extent of these side effects.
“For every thousand individuals with dementia, who have behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, if you treat them for 12 weeks with antipsychotics, you’ll see 20 per cent, at the very most, getting some benefit,” he said.
“But with that you’ll see 80 strokes, 10 deaths and anything between 60 and 80 people with gait disturbances — ie: risk of falling over.
“And up to two thirds of those medications are felt to be unnecessary.”
‘Persisting on antipsychotics when it’s no longer needed’
Robert Herkes, the chief medical officer at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, said there was a high and inappropriate use of antipsychotics and about a third of patients in aged care facilities were on them.
The drugs were also used in hospitals and, Dr Herkes said, “driven primarily to control behaviour and sedate people with psychological symptoms of dementia”.
“What seems to happen is people use antipsychotics as a first line treatment for behavioural disorders and then don’t stop using them,” he said.
“So patients end up persisting on antipsychotics when it’s no longer needed.”
He said he would prefer to see non-pharmacological methods and proper assessments of patients done first.
“Looking for things like constipation, dehydration, or infection, would allow you to sort out the patients’ agitation and aggressions without resorting to antipsychotics,” Dr Herkes said.
Elderly mother ‘off with the fairies’ after cocktail of drugs
Sarah — a pseudonym — watched her 97-year-old mother deteriorate and suffer from side effects of being on antipsychotics.
Her mother was admitted to a public hospital initially with signs of a stroke and was soon put on a cocktail of drugs including antipsychotics, heavy pain killers and sedatives.
The effects began straight away.
“Initially it was just the insomnia. And then, the nurse told me it’s not normal and I should tell the doctors,” Sarah said.
Sarah said her mother complained of a chest infection, but doctors dismissed that and decided she was suffering from delirium and potentially the beginnings of dementia.
This was despite later doctors confirming she did have a chest and urinary tract infection, which often cause symptoms of delirium.
So instead of treating the underlying condition, Sarah said her mother was given haloperidol, risperidone, endone and a fentanyl patch.
“I noticed a big deterioration in her. She was off with the fairies to a certain extent, she wasn’t alert anymore. She seemed to be very sleepy, she’d lost condition,” she said.
“Once they were giving her a lot of medication there were side effects … some of it was repetitive movements, some of it was hallucinations, unusual thought patterns.
“She was conscious that they were giving her something that wasn’t normal. And she expressed concern and I was concerned that they weren’t telling her.”
Sarah’s mother was eventually transferred to a nursing home, where they did reduce the drugs.
But she died a few weeks later. Sarah is not clear what ultimately caused her mother’s death, but has been told by family it was probably a stroke.
“I can’t even be critical of the doctors. All I know is that when we tried to give input about what appeared to be serious side effects and what all recommendations were that this medication should be immediately ceased and they disagreed,” she said.
“So definitely the side effects that I saw took a toll on her body.”
Some doctors ignoring guidelines
Sarah said the hospital did not adhere to its own guidelines in treating her mother, let alone those set out in the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine.
That position statement on treating people with delirium said antipsychotics should only be used as a last resort and for short periods of time.
The National Health and Medical Research Council has similar guidelines for the use of the drugs on people with dementia.
The guidelines also said consent should be sought from patients and their families before administering the medications.
“We know from a NSW study that these sort of consent issues are rarely met, with only about 6.5 per cent of those on antipsychotics being adequately consented,” Dr Strivens said.
He also said some doctors were not adhering to the guidelines.
But he did not think mandatory guidelines or legislated laws around prescribing the drugs would work either.
Dr Herkes agreed that compliance was a problem.
“Prescribers and carers and staff believe antipsychotics can help the resident,” Dr Herkes said.
“So I think one of the things we need to do is have a cultural shift in trying to get people to look at other precipitants to aggressive or agitated behaviour before prescribing drugs.
“If we were to insist on having informed consent, where the patient or resident or carers had knowledge about what the benefits and effects of antipsychotics were, and we had signed consent, then that would decrease the inappropriate use of anti-psychotics.
“There also needs to be monitoring of antipsychotics so we know if people are staying on antipsychotics inappropriately.
“And there also needs to be regular medication review to make sure all the drugs elderly patients are on are appropriate and desist those that aren’t appropriate.”
‘That’s what the Royal Commission [is] for’
The Federal Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt told AM he is concerned about the inappropriate drugging of elderly patients.
“It goes back to that point, we need to remind GPs of why they’re considering those types of drugs.
“We need to look at underlying issues that are causing the agitation and deal with that first.”
“I would expect that once a doctor prescribes a formal treatment for an individual it would be compliant in the way the drugs are administered,” Mr Wyatt said.
“When you look at the act and quality standards, there is a requirement, because there are clinical standards that have to be met.”
But, when questioned about how to overcome prescribers flouting those guidelines, Mr Wyatt said it will be a part of the Royal Commission.
“That’s what the Royal Commission has been established for, to look at a range of issues that we will need to address in a far better way than we have historically,” Mr Wyatt said.