Corporate Pharmacies Leading Digital Change – Don’t Be Left Behind

Corporate pharmacy groups are rapidly leading a change in the industry by using powerful new digital platforms to their competitive advantage. Did you know that independent pharmacies can easily adopt the same tools?
Would you like more customers? Perhaps increased influenza vaccinations this flu season? Would you like to increase custom from patients visiting healthcare practitioners in your area?
At 1STGroup, we recognise and support the efforts of pharmacies providing quality health services in their communities. Through our platforms and – we deliver solutions to your pharmacy to help you achieve all this and more. Major corporate groups are leading the way with our platforms and 1STGroup has helped customers/patients book over 4.7 million appointments online already, in over 4,000 locations!
Is your pharmacy ready for Influenza Vaccination Season?
Community pharmacies play a significant role in primary healthcare in Australia, while continuing to look for ways to innovate and develop improved, cost-effective health outcomes for their customers.
The in-pharmacy influenza vaccination service is one example of this.
We seek to provide community pharmacies with an integrated and collaborative approach to health care via a pharmacy vaccination portal.
So, how can we help your pharmacy and why is the capability to take online appointments a critical part of the solution?
• When booking online, customers are able to secure an appointment at their leisure, at any time, from any internet connected device (phone, tablet, laptop, PC, etc!)
• 24/7 online booking capabilities can increase business to your practice due to additional appointment bookings occurring out of hours.
• The 1ST Group’s online appointment booking system centrally collects data, such as appointment times and booking demographics, which translate into actionable insights to help grow your business.
• The 1ST Group’s online appointment booking system allows you to check your appointments and availability, using any device.
• Customer cancellations are automatically updated, allowing another customer to take up the appointment slot.
• Optional add-on modules can turbo-charge your customer engagement, including bringing customers back for their regular periodic appointments cost effectively, easily and quickly.
Powered by GObookings, our online pharmacy vaccination portal gives your pharmacy an online presence without the need for expensive servers or infrastructure, while providing an easy to use solution allowing for better management of one-on-one appointments, 24/7.
The portal is highly customisable and configurable to meet your specific business needs. Our eCommerce platform enables your pharmacy to take pre-service payments.
We take our customers’ privacy seriously. Data is collected in a secure system which is extensively used by government and corporate organisations., Also, our powerful business intelligence reporting platform provides you with invaluable insights into your data.
We offer the ability to integrate this data with other systems such as existing pharmacy applications, loyalty programs, Medicare and the Australian Immunisation Register.
We understand that if a pharmacist or other qualified health practitioner is providing a vaccination service, there is a responsibility to ensure that certain actions are taken to record, share and retain information relating to the vaccination. Our technology makes these processes easier.
Find New Customers & Fill More Scripts
Through 1STGroup’s consumer healthcare portal,, we help Australians book their healthcare appointments online with doctors, dentists, physios, specialists, natural therapists, optometrists and other services.
With such a large scale of appointments, we are able to use big data to analyse demographics and predict patient behaviour.
Imagine the impact that using this data to direct patients making a healthcare appointment to your store would have on your bottom line?
With approximately 62% of all patients across Australia going to a pharmacy after their appointment with a general practitioner*, access to patients at this state of need will give your business the opportunity to acquire new local patients.
So the next time a patient in your area is seeking to make a healthcare booking – wouldn’t you like your pharmacy to be the first available?
Learn more about how 1stGroup can help your pharmacy today at
*Britt, H. (n.d.). General practice activity in Australia 2014-15. 1st ed.