Celebrating Dual ACT Winners for GuildCare Pharmacy of the Year

For the first time in the history of GuildCare Pharmacy of the Year there have been two winners recognised. Congratulations to the exceptional pharmacy teams at:
– Capital Chemist Wanniassa, Wanniassa ACT
– Lanyon Pharmacy, Condor ACT
This year’s runner-up was Priceline Pharmacy, Woden.
The winners were announced by GuildLink CEO – Ross Gallagher and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia President – George Tambassis, during the Welcome Reception of the APP conference. The successful pharmacies were recognised for their dedication to the health of their patient community and leading their peers through the consistent and effective implementation of Professional Services using the GuildCare platform.
“In the last twelve months… we have really owned GuildCare, we have made sure we recorded everything we can possibly record. To prove to our team and to prove wider how much [many Professional Services] we are actually doing in our business.” Elise Apolloni – Pharmacy Partner, Capital Chemist Wanniassa
“The staff are very passionate, they love delivering Professional Services… and we’ve got interns as well who are very passionate about it, and are very active users on the GuildCare platform.” Mark Leighton – Pharmacy Partner, Lanyon Pharmacy
Each finalist was scored based on their usage of the GuildCare platform to conduct Professional Services, with each service given a weighting according to GuildCare’s established competition rules. After analysing the Professional Services recordings under the criteria of the awards the two winning pharmacies were equally tied on points with Priceline Pharmacy, Woden a narrow runner-up.
The winning Pharmacies each received an iPad Air 2 – giving our winners the convenience of turning their whole pharmacy into a Professional Services area. Along with our runner-up pharmacy, they will all receive a 12-month subscription to GuildCare NG and myPharmacyLink and personalised in-store training.
The launch of GuildCare NG and myPharmacyLink at APP 2017 is an exciting opportunity for new and existing GuildCare users to realise the potential of Professional Services in their pharmacy. GuildCare NG hosts Australia’s largest range of Professional Services on a faster, easier and more intuitive cloud-based platform. When paired with the GuildCare NG compatible app myPharmacyLink the platform enables our partner pharmacies that drive patient loyalty and develop Professional Services excellence in-pharmacy.
“Congratulations to this year’s winners and runner up. With the launch of GuildCare NG and myPharmacyLink this year, we look forward to seeing where the new platform will take our pharmacy partners and are excited to recognise their achievements in 2018.” Ross Gallagher – CEO, GuildLink
The criteria for the 2018 GuildCare Pharmacy of the Year will be announced later this year.