How to capitalise on sponsored patient programs

Anna Paonne B.Pharm
Business Development Manager, GuildLink
Did you know that there was over $1.5 million of missed revenue opportunity across GuildCare pharmacies and only 40% of pharmacies capitalised on delivering sponsored patient programs?*
Beyond the 6th CPA and fee for service programs, the GuildCare NG platform provides a host of sponsored patient programs that could generate significant additional revenue for your pharmacy.
These programs are designed to help educate and provide additional support to patients which in turn can improve adherence and health outcomes.
By partnering with pharmaceutical manufacturers and allied health companies, pharmacies are remunerated directly via GuildLink for completing the activity as part of the sponsored program within GuildCare NG. There are no additional fees incurred by the patient or pharmacy.
How do sponsored patient programs work?
Each program has different rules and invite triggers dependant on the medication and type of program.
Some programs require pharmacy counselling and device training, whilst others may simply be referral to an existing third-party program.
GuildCare NG integrates with dispense software and generates a pop-up when a qualifying patient is identified.
Types of sponsored patient programs:
- New to Therapy – designed to support patients who are new to a medicine
- Quality of Use – ensure patients are well informed about their medication in order to achieve the best possible health outcomes
- Third-Party Referrals – referring a patient to an existing patient support program
How to identify sponsored program opportunities
GuildCare pharmacies who have taken advantage of the patient support programs implement the following workflow in store to ensure their pharmacy staff members are looking out for the pop-up notifications for invitation(s) into patient support program from the GuildCare NG platform.
- Learn about the program by reading the program protocols and watching training videos, if available.
- Place the GuildCare NG professional services fee sheet in the dispensary area so your pharmacists know which medications qualify.
- Brief your team to incorporate into your workflow (all pharmacy staff have a role to play).
- Look out for pop-up notifications in GuildCare — these invites are only available for seven days.
- Place prompt cards in the script basket.
- Invite patients into the program.
- Review service summary reports to see the number of invites vs. completed cases.
For the latest list of patient support programs and fees go to or contact 1300 859 328 to subscribe to GuildCare NG.
* GuildLink data based on completed cases and unique patient invitations from Jan 2016 – 14 June 2018 across GuildCare network pharmacies. Available sponsored programs vary from time to time.