Capital Chemist is pleased to launch their innovative “Play Safe in the Sun” campaign

Following on from Melanoma Institute of Australia’s recent call for government funding to re-establish a grass roots “Slip Slop Slap” type campaign to improve sun safety with a melanoma prevention campaign , Capital Chemist has launched a range of materials under the “Play Safe in the Sun” banner, to distribute through its pharmacies and through its community partnerships particularly with children’s sports organisations.
Capital Chemist is a proud sponsor of sporting groups around Southeastern NSW and ACT. We have formal partnerships in place with Little Athletics, Broulee Nippers, Capital Football (Soccer), Cricket ACT,
ACT Hockey, Netball ACT, Sailability and Tennis ACT, along with Mountain Biking and the George Bass Marathon.
These community partnerships provide a great vehicle to send the message to the kids who are playing, plus the coaches and umpires and families on the sidelines, to treat Sunday morning sport like they would
Saturday afternoon at the beach – and cover up!
Group Business Manager Andrew Topp: Our campaign is brand agnostic. We don’t care which sunscreen you use or which brand of rashie you wear, as long as they are high quality. We just want everyone involved in kids sport, from young to old to be aware and to be careful. One single episode of blistering sunburn in childhood doubles the chances of melanoma as an adult; we can impact that by encouraging sunscreen, shorts, hats, sunnies and shade, and still enjoy the fact that our kids are benefiting from sport at the same time.