Calls for naloxone kits to be made available for free

One shot of prescription naloxone can bring someone in the grips of a drug overdose back from the brink of death.
Now, a public health group says the life-saving drug should be distributed for free at Australian pharmacies, homeless services and prisons, and be made available as a nasal spray.
Each year in Australia, about 1100 people die from opioid overdoses – mostly from legal painkillers such oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl – and the modern drug death toll is now higher than that seen at the height of the heroin epidemic.
But the Penington Institute says many of these deaths could be avoided, if family or friends of the victims had administered them with a shot of naloxone, often known as Narcan.
The institute’s report calls for naloxone kits to be made available for free to people likely to experience or witness an overdose.
It also recommends the drug be provided in a nasal spray, making it easier for families of drug-users to operate, and people that don’t have experience with needles.
“In terms of a crisis situation, it’s a silver bullet,” said the Penington Institute’s chief executive John Ryan.
“Ambulance officers and medicos have been using it for decades.”
The drug is already available in Australia via the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme and also over the counter at pharmacies, but Mr Ryan said less than 1000 scripts for naloxone were written each year, and few people buy it over the counter.
“It’s not getting into the hands of the people that need it,” he said.
“And therefore people are dying unnecessarily.”
One of the issues identified in the report, to be launched by Health Minister Greg Hunt on Wednesday, was that many GPs appeared unwilling to prescribe it, refusing requests to do so.
Yet unlike other drug treatments, naloxone cannot be used to get high. In fact, some of those who have had their lives saved by the substance say the experience can be very unpleasant.
Patrick, who was brought from the brink of death numerous times in the late 1980s and early 1990s by paramedics, said using heroin was “like going to sleep in a nice warm bed with a doona pulled up high”.
“And having naloxone is like having someone come rip the doona off and throw cold water on you,” he said.
“It’s very abrupt and very powerful.”
It was also lifesaving. After spending years awash in heroin in Melbourne and Sydney, he stopped using it soon after an overdose in 1992, when he had to be administered naloxone twice.
“It was a terrifying event. What really got me was the look on my friend’s face. As far as he knew, I was dead,” he said.
Patrick, who did not wish to use his last name, is now 56, and has five children.
Melbourne drug and alcohol worker Peter Greer said his service had counted about 95 people whose lives had been saved by clients who carried naloxone with them.
“That’s just the ones we know about.”
In the Canadian province of British Columbia, where in 2016 opioid overdose was declared a public health emergency, there have been more than 19,000 overdoses reversed using naloxone since 2012.