BD Rowa™ is Your Partner for A Bespoke Design Process

At BD we believe in a tailored approach to delivering pharmacy automation solutions. We specialise in state-of-the-art design, engineering and technology to support your pharmacy workflow and improve customer experience.
Angelo Dadalias has been a pharmacist for over three decades and is the owner / partner of four local pharmacies in Melbourne, Victoria. His community pharmacy in Ashburton saw an increase in demand for professional services, which made Angelo consider how he might better utilise his floor plan to serve his customers, while also adding value to his business. He needed help identifying ways that he could increase the footprint of his pharmacy and improve dispensary through automation, so that the pharmacists have more valuable time to spend with their customers.
The BD Rowa™ Team, including our in-house architect, met with Angelo at his Ashburton pharmacy to discuss his desired outcomes and to get an understanding of the site. Four custom-made design concepts were presented and explained to Angelo, so that he understood the advantages of how they would benefit his pharmacy. Angelo also found it invaluable to speak with other pharmacy owners using BD Rowa™ Automatic Dispensing Robots and to hear real first-hand experiences of how the technology has transformed their pharmacy practices.
After considering all options, Angelo decided that the BD Rowa™ Vmax 160 with an internal BD Rowa™ ProLog is the right choice for his pharmacy. The bespoke design will enable the BD Rowa™ Robot to be integrated upstairs, along with part of the dispensary, to create the desired space for service consultation rooms on the ground level.
Additionally, the BD Rowa™ ProLog will eliminate manual stock handling, providing his pharmacy with automatic input of stock, including round items. The design also considers a separate delivery point for Dose Administration Aid (DAA) packing which will make the dispensary workflow smoother.
Angelo is looking forward to having a less cluttered dispensary, more space to promote professional services and more time for pharmacists to talk to people.
Visit to find out more information about BD Rowa™ Automated Solutions in Australia or contact us directly by calling our toll-free number 1800 MY ROWA (697692).
Read the full interview with Angelo Dadalias in the ITK May/ June magazine edition.
Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd. Australia. Toll free: 1800 MY ROWA (697692)
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