Australian company develops one-step RAT test for vulnerable communities

Celebrating a major win that has been more than 12 months in the making, Australian digital health company Gardian has launched a non-invasive, saliva-based rapid antigen test that is suitable for all ages and abilities including those with low-vision, are elderly, have issues with physical dexterity or have cognitive disabilities.
Capable of identifying all current variants identified by the World Health Organisation and listed on the Register as very highly sensitive, the Gardian T3 lateral flow (saliva-based) rapid antigen test provides a reportable result in just 10 minutes.
Suitable for at home self-testing and intended for use in the first seven days of symptom onset, the Gardian T3 rapid antigen test provides substantial testing infection control with results capable of being determined very early in the infection cycle.
Reiterating the importance of early detection on a significantly larger scale, Sheriff of NSW Department of Communities and Justice Tracey Hall said they opted to use the user-friendly Gardian T3 tests as the health and wellbeing of all staff, court, and tribunal users is of paramount importance.
Speaking of the innovative device, Graham Gordon, CEO of Gardian said: “In our experience, there are not a lot of products offering a significantly high level of sensitivity and specificity while featuring functionality simple enough to suit users from age four.
In addition to being a non-invasive and easy-to-use product, the Gardian T3 has four identifiable benefits namely usability, repeatability, traceability and reliability that make it suitable for all age and ability groups.
In terms of usability, the straightforward, one-step functionality of removing the cap and simply placing the test cassette in the mouth eliminates the need for multiple handling or the unpleasant insertion of a swab in the nasal passages. This effectively reduces the potential for any number of errors to occur.
When used in conjunction with the Gardian T3 self-test mobile app users can easily take the test, record the result and share their covid-free status with an employer, doctor, or public venue via a valid digital certificate.
Repeatability is critical when it comes to eliminating the potential for false or invalid results. With most nasopharyngeal or anterior nares swabs if one doesn’t follow the instructions for use, maintain the device in a conducive temperature, observe the recommended time allocation or use too little or too much buffer solution, any one of these factors, or a combination thereof, could adversely affect the test performance and/or produce invalid results. And in the case of a false negative, the person undertaking the test may go on to infect others.
The simple one-step process of the Gardian T3, used alongside the Gardian Self Check app effectively eliminates human error, ensuring the test is done right, every time, providing near perfect efficacy.
Based on all health advice, a negative test result does not exclude infection with COVID-19 so face masks, social distancing and good hygiene practice must be maintained, and government health messaging regarding polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing requirements should be followed per State requirements.
Unlike any other rapid antigen test, the Gardian T3 offers comprehensive ‘traceability ‘of every unit via a unique QR Code on each cassette. The QR code is linked to critical data on all aspects of the manufacturing, shipping, storage, and distribution process should a recall be necessary. This critical safety feature also allows for the identification and recording of the person taking the test, the date, location, time and result so that users may be contacted if necessary.
With the new tax deductibility measures announced by the Government, the Gardian Self Check app provides full traceability for businesses claiming tax deductions, and in a forward-thinking world, the test data relating to the user would be available for the implementation of a PBS rebate scheme via Medicare.
Independently tested against one of the highest performing tests available, and returning the same results, the Gardian T3 offers very high levels of specificity and sensitivity ensuring continual reliability and consistent results.
Added to this, and highly pertinent considering the recent global shortage of rapid antigen tests is the assurance that as the exclusive global sponsor of the Gardian T3, Gardian is looking at introducing local manufacturing within a few months whereby they will control all manufacturing volumes and supply, and therefore will not be in a bidding allocation position for the product against other countries.