APP2024 Win a Holiday Competition winner announced!

APP Chairman Kos Sclavos AM has announced Queensland pharmacist Jess Pfingst as the winner of the ‘Win a Holiday Competition’ for 2024.
“We’re thrilled to announce that Jess Pfingst has won this year’s competition,” said Mr Sclavos. “There was a lot of interest in the competition as we had 2340 entries for the $10,000 travel voucher this year”.
Sponsored by PassportCard, the competition was open to registered pharmacists, pharmacy students, pharmacy assistants, retail managers, dispensary technicians and pharmacy interns.
Jess Pfingst, a pharmacist at Bray Park Priceline Pharmacy, says she is still in disbelief about winning the competition.
“I’ve never won a competition anything like this before! I’m so excited to start planning a holiday,” said Ms Pfingst.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Italy, it’s been the goal since I was an intern, so I can’t believe that it’s now finally going to become a reality,” Ms Pfingst said.
Mr Sclavos said that with APP2024 now finished, planning was already well underway for the next event on the calendar, Pharmacy Connect, taking place in Sydney, 5-7 September.
“APP2024 was a huge success this year; we had close to 7,000 delegates, 450 trade stands, and over 60 sessions from which delegates could choose,” said Mr Sclavos.
“With Pharmacy Connect coming up next, we’ll be making announcements regarding early bird pricing very soon,” Mr Sclavos said.
More information about Pharmacy Connect can be found here.