AMAQ admits patients are struggling to see a GP to treat UTIs

Today, the Australian Medical Association Queensland (AMAQ) has admitted it has failed to provide enough doctor appointments to adequately treat women with a UTI after trying to use Palaszczuk Government figures, released on Emergency Department presentations, to spread fear and lies.
Citing a release from the AMAQ: ED presentations across Queensland’s 16 Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) showing 36,911 ED presentations between 2022 and April 2023 were due to UTIs.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch Acting President Rick Xynias said today was a historic moment when the AMAQ publicly admits that women are struggling to get an appointment to see a GP to treat a UTI.
“Community pharmacists can only treat women with an uncomplicated UTI and if this isn’t the case, the community pharmacist will, in all cases, refer the patient to see a GP. We actually help to triage patients for GP’s.
“The problem is obvious; when patients cannot get an appointment with a GP their only choice is to present to emergency. There are obviously too few GP appointments and for patients who still need care, this is where community pharmacists can help.
“Since 2022, more than 11,841 women have received treatment via community pharmacy for a noncomplex UTI, meaning Emergency Department figures would have been larger if the UTI service in community pharmacy wasn’t available.
“This figure will grow as Queenslanders learn that this service is available throughout pharmacies.
“This is clear evidence that community pharmacists have taken the pressure off emergency departments, this is a win for patients and for health policy reform.
“It is extremely concerning to see the admission of failure today by the AMAQ and only reconfirms the Queensland Government’s decision, supported by the Liberal National Party Opposition, to make the UTI service permanently available for all Queensland women with uncomplicated UTIs.
“As a result of the statewide Pilot, overworked GP’s will have more availability to treat patients who need longer consultation and have more complex needs. Through the Pilot we will work collaboratively to get the best outcome for our patients.
“Enlisting the strong network of qualified community pharmacists to do more and deliver safe treatment for everyday health conditions is the best outcome for patients.
“Expanding the North Queensland Community Scope of Practice Pilot statewide is a huge win for patients as well as the overburdened GPs and Emergency Departments. Patients deserve better,” says Mr Xynias.
To find out more about Queensland Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot go to