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GuildLink is Always Improving to Deliver More

Nov/Dec 2017 Update

Since the launch of GuildCare NG (June 2017), we have upgraded over 1,000 pharmacies and have had over 10,000 user logins to the new cloud-based platform. In the last year, we have delivered Pharmacy Guild initiative programs, new patient programs, myPharmacyLink app and there is more to come.

Expanding the Delivery of Professional Services

GuildCare is the leading professional services platform bringing over 32 programs and expanded patient communication to include an app channel – myPharmacyLink.

You Asked, We are Delivering

Being cloud-based enables us to deliver more frequent releases, ensuring we action your feature and improvement requests, including:

  • OTC Clinical Interventions
  • New look Health Check and HMR*
  • Fast User Switching
  • Enhancements to myPharmacyLink
  • Improved Dispense Requests workflow
  • and more to come…

Exciting Features & Integrations in the New Year

We will always continue to transform the way community pharmacy deliver care beyond 6CPA-funded programs. Further integrations planned for GuildCare NG and myPharmacyLink are My Health Record, Booking System, Loyalty Rewards and more.

The scope of what we have achieved and the transition to a new platform has meant that
the GuildCare NG upgrade and on-boarding process is taking longer than expected.
We thank you for your patience as we continue to upgrade all our GuildCare pharmacies
as quickly as possible.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has provided honest and direct feedback. We have listened carefully, learned a great deal and are committed to delivering a quality platform.



Ross Gallagher
CEO, GuildLink

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