Asthma Educators Say Complacency is Leading to Hundreds of Unnecessary Deaths Each Year

One in nine Australians have asthma and more than 400 people die from the condition every year.
But Ian Craig, chief operating officer of Asthma WA, said too many people were complacent about their asthma and many mistakenly thought it was a condition they had grown out of.
“We are losing this war; every time somebody dies we have lost a battle, so we must get better at getting the message out there to everybody,” he said.
Asthma is a chronic condition where something triggers the muscles around a person’s airways that makes the lungs tighten, swell and create more mucus.
This leads to the affected person wheezing, and in the worst attacks unable to breathe.
Advances in preventative medication mean many people can go for years and even decades without experiencing an attack, but it is these people who can be most at risk if asthma strikes suddenly.
“They run out of oxygen, it’s quick,” Mr Craig said.
“You only have to speak to one family who has lost a child and you see how quick and tragic it is.
“We say that between 60 and 90 per cent of the deaths are avoidable if people understand their medication and stick to their action plan.”
Asthma in the Family
Rael Rivers knows all too well how asthma can flare up without warning.
She has asthma and so do her three children, aged four, 10 and 13.
“My 10-year-old hadn’t had an asthma attack for five years … then something has triggered it and he was in hospital in emergency two months ago,” she said.
“We are still continuing to try and maintain his asthma now.”
All her children have a firm daily routine to keep their asthma in check; Ms Rivers keeps reliever medications for use if they get short of breath anywhere they might be needed — in the family cars, school bags, sports bags, her handbag.
“It’s part of the routine now. They wake up, they have breakfast and they take their preventer medication,” she said.
“It’s the same at night — dinner, preventer medication, teeth and bed.”
It’s a Daily Battle
But in her work as an asthma educator, Ms Rivers sees how hard it is for parents to keep their children on track with their treatment plans.
“Teaching your children how to take their medication properly, through a spacer (and a mask, if they are young) is really important, but it can take a lot of time for a parent.”
There is also the expense — treating herself and her family costs several thousand dollars a year.
“A preventer, which my three children and I have every month, costs $36,” she said.
“So for three children and me that’s $144 every month.
“Then there are the spacers which you have to replace every six months, and then there are masks and reliever medication.
“I think cost is a big factor for some parents in not wanting to give their children preventers.”
You Can’t Outgrow Asthma
Asthma WA now has a subsidy scheme to help people experiencing financial hardship to meet the cost of treatment.
It also offers free training for asthmatics and parents on how to implement the treatment plan from their doctor.
“If people are in financial hardship the last thing we want them to do is stop their medication,” Mr Craig said.
“It is very important with preventer medication that they don’t stop.”
Mr Craig said he wanted the 2.5 million people in Australia who had asthma to know that it was something they would never grow out of.
Even after decades of treatment, people with asthma still need to visit their GP every year to review their medication.
“The people we are losing are the people who aren’t carrying their inhalers around with them because they think they have grown out of their asthma and they think they have it under control.
“It only takes one trigger and one asthma attack.
“If people speak to us and our educators and understand their medication it reduces their hospitalisation risk by 73 per cent.”
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