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BioCeuticals Launches New UltraBiotic Immune Support for Juniors

A special blend of probiotics and vitamin C could help reduce winter colds and respiratory infections in pre-schoolers, according to an international ProChild study.i

Winter colds and respiratory infections are the common reason for absenteeism of pre-schoolers and often result in many days off work for parents, too.ii

The study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that the clinically trialled combination of Lab4 probiotics and vitamin C reduced the total symptoms of cough and colds by up to 50 per cent compared with placebo.1,2

Further, the study found the combination also reduced the actual number of colds and URTIs by 30 per cent and reduced absenteeism from school by 30 per cent.

BioCeuticals Education Manager, Belinda Reynolds, says that UltraBiotic Immune Support plays an important role in supporting healthy immune function to reduce the incidence of potential infections.
“Good bacterial in combination with vitamin C has been shown to not only support digestive health, but also to provide nutritional support for a normal, healthy immune system.”

“If your child has at any time in their life been prescribed a course of antibiotics, if they were formula-fed rather than breastfed, or if they don’t consume the fibre-rich fruit and vegetables that you know they should, then it is possible their good bacteria levels may be less than optimal, and this could be negatively impacting their resistance to infection,” said Ms Reynolds.

The new BioCeuticals UltraBiotic Immune Support for Juniors is a chewable tablet for children which contains Lab4 probiotics – a special blend of four strains of lactic acid bacteria with vitamin C.

The UltraBiotic Immune Support for Juniors is manufactured using a special fermentation process and is designed to protect the live bacteria and ensure bacterial survival through its shelf life.

“If you know your child is exposed to potential pathogens, through daycare or school, and if they possibly aren’t eating or sleeping as well as you would like them to, considering a probiotic blend with vitamin C and prebiotics can be a worthwhile choice,” continued Ms Reynolds.

Speak to your healthcare practitioner to choose the right supplement. Always read the label and use only as directed.
For more information go to

i The ProChild study. Lab4® probiotics, Cultech. Viewed 17 Mar 2016,
ii Garaiova I, Muchová J, Nagyová Z, et al. Probiotics and vitamin C for the prevention of respiratory tract infections in children attending preschool: a randomised controlled pilot study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2015;69(3):373-379.

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