Cancer Patients in Monto Receive Chemotherapy Treatment via Video-linking Technology

Cancer patients in the small Queensland town of Monto are able to receive chemotherapy in their home town for the first time, thanks to video-linking technology.
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service has become the second health service in the state to deliver rural chemotherapy using a tele-chemo model, in which specially-trained local nurses administer the treatment while video linking with specialists at the Bundaberg Cancer Care Centre team.
For patients, the change means they no longer have to make the 352km round trip to Bundaberg to receive chemotherapy treatment.
SOUNDCLOUD: Tele-Chemo makes a difference for patients in the bush
Kim Pointon is the first patient to receive chemotherapy using the technology in Monto.
“I have had about four treatments here every week,” she said.
“It’s great. I just leave home and drive to the hospital, and actually I come back to work most of the time.”
Ms Pointon is a cafe owner, school bus driver and mother who is receiving treatment for breast cancer.
This is the second time she has been diagnosed — four years ago she also underwent chemotherapy treatment in Bundaberg.
She said this time, being able to stay at home for treatment was a big improvement compared to driving the two and half hours to Bundaberg.
“The problem was not so much the drive over [to Bundaberg]. It was the drive home after I’d had treatment,” she said.
Ms Pointon said receiving the treatment via video link was a positive experience.
“It’s good to have my oncologist right there, as well as the head of the chemo department in Bundaberg,” she said.
Monto Hospital director of nursing Tracey Pattie said the telehealth model was there for specialists to support the nursing staff in Monto if the nurses needed anything.
“It’s better for the staff and patients, with the staff in Bundaberg able to support the Monto staff and patients in delivering their service,” she said.
Ms Pattie said four Monto-based nurses had undertaken specialised training in order to deliver the chemotherapy treatment.
Better health outcomes for rural patients
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Cancer Care Service operations director Ray Johnson said the innovation would mean not only greater convenience for rural patients, but also better health outcomes.
“Traditionally, people living in rural areas have had worse cancer outcomes because of their lack of access to specialist or tertiary health services,” Mr Johnson said.
“This means many more people are getting access to high-quality cancer services in their own region, without the inconvenience and expense of having to travel.”
But not all cancer treatments are able via telehealth models.
Ms Pointon will still need to travel Brisbane to undergo radium treatment for six weeks.
“There will always be some patients who need to be treated in Bundaberg or Brisbane due to the complexity of their needs,” Mr Johnson said.
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