Taking a Long Trip? Try a Spritz of Seaweed | Pharmacy ITK
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Taking a Long Trip? Try a Spritz of Seaweed

Did you know… 57% of people reported catching a cold or flu after travelling on a plane or on public transport for prolonged periods, according to a health and travel survey last year1?

Almost 60% of people take precautions such as taking vitamins, hydrating regularly or using a throat or nasal spray in attempts to prevent catching colds after a flight, the same survey reported.

Most people blame fellow passengers and the air on-board, but this is unlikely; as an Aircraft filtration systems are actually quite efficient at keeping travellers safe from airborne bugs2. Few people are aware that they are more likely to pick up an infection after disembarking – in environments without effective filtration systems but with air-conditioning and low humidity, e.g. airport, or a coach, taxi, or hotel.

“It’s due to the mucus in the nose drying out. The dryer a person’s nasal mucus lining becomes, the weaker it becomes against airborne viruses and bacteria. Lower humidity also causes mucus transport to slow down which means these unwanted micro-organisms may remain in the airways for longer.” explains Sam Barbalatt, Co-Founder of ENT Technologies, a leading sinus and nasal technology business.

A healthy, moist nasal mucus lining is needed to support a person’s immunity against inhaled bacteria, cold viruses and irritants. A Carrageenan (Red Seaweed extract) nasal spray could be the answer for many travellers, because according to research published late last year it:

  • Helps hydrate and moisturise the nasal passages3
  • May shorten the duration of colds symptoms3
  • Has good patient tolerability4

Barbalatt found the evidence compelling and as a result, ENT Technologies launched Australia’s first Red Seaweed nasal spray, Flo Travel to leading pharmacies this year. He says, “Using a Carrageenan-based nasal spray is a positive step to supporting immunity because it works by binding to the nasal tissue, it retains moisture in the nose and provides a protective barrier against airborne micro-organisms.”

For further clinical information on how Carrageenan (Red Seaweed extract) reduces exposure to colds and airborne viruses, contact Sam Barbalatt or Debbie Clemens on 03 9832 3700.


1. Health On The Go, ENT Technologies Survey, October 2015.
2. Cabin air filtration: helping to protect occupants from infectious diseases. Bull, K. Travel Med. Infectious Diseases 2008. Vol 66 pp142-144.
2. Eccles et al. Efficacy of an antiviral Iota-Carrageenan nasal spray; a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory study in volunteers with early symptoms of the common cold. Respiratory research 2010; 11:108.
3(i) Airway Mucociliary function at high altitude. Rodway G et al. Wilderness and Environmental Med(2006) Vol 17 pp 271-275 (ii) Nasal mucociliary transport in healthy subjects is slower when breathing dry air. Salah B et al. European Respiratory Journal 1988 Vol(1) 852-855 3 (iii) Physiological and Subjective responses to low relative humidity in young and elderly men. Sunwoo Y et al. Journal of Physiological Anthropology (2006) Vol 25(3) pp 229-2384. e
4. Jingjing Liu et al, Review for carrageenan-based pharmaceutical biomaterials: Favourable physical features versus adverse biological effects. Elsevier Journal, 2015.

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