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GuildCare – APP 2016 Profile

In support of our APP 2016 company profiles, we have the pleasure of introducing Australia’s leading software for managing professional services, GuildCare. We recently spoke with their GM, Strategic Business Performance, Roma Cecere, to find out a little more about this innovative business and the services offered to Pharmacy.

Can you tell our readers a little about GuildCare?

Not long ago in pharmacy, there was a bewildering amount of paperwork to record professional services. This inspired our business to revolutionise the process by developing Australia’s first software to better manage it. GuildCare integrates with all dispense vending systems, pre-populating patient details in GuildCare and boosting pharmacy workflow efficiency.

In 2009, we began with Adherence Programs and the following year we added programs to unlock funding under 5CPA, along with our first Patient Service: Blood Pressure.

Today, GuildCare software delivers 29 professional services through 5 program streams:

  1. 6CPA – Medication Adherence (DAA, Staged Supply) and Medication Management (CIs, Medscheck, HMRs)
  2. Patient Services including Vaccination, Inhaler Technique and Blood Glucose
  3. Patient Adherence targeted at non-compliant and new-to-therapy patients
  4. Admin Modules for Adverse Events Recording, Inter-professional collaboration
  5. MemoCare Communication solution for patients and pharmacy – SMS, email, voicecalls and fax

Over 8.8 million cases have now been conducted on GuildCare1.

How does GuildCare differ from other software and professional programs designer companies that engage with Pharmacy?

GuildCare was the first to provide this type of software in Australia. It has always been the innovator and market leader and has over 3,000 subscribers. GuildCare also has Australia’s biggest range of professional services programs with several more due for release throughout 2016.

GuildCare enables pharmacy to deliver professional services through one, seamless, easy-to-navigate software program. This means more opportunities than any other software for pharmacy to support patients, build loyalty and provide increased revenue for the business.

GuildCare has always been aligned to the latest CPA requirements, ensuring pharmacy can unlock all the funds made available by the Government.

Unlike other software providers, GuildCare is supported by a dedicated team of account managers, a support team to help with technical and general enquiries, and training is provided at no charge.

MemoCare is part of GuildCare. Unlike other communication software, pharmacy always controls and retains patients’ details. These details will never end up in another pharmacy just because the owner chooses not to re-subscribe.

Your profession is evolving and adapting to change. Could you please outline some of the changes you have witnessed over recent times, including thoughts on trends and challenges you may foresee in the future?

PBS price disclosure, intensive price competition and economic uncertainty, make operating a pharmacy more difficult today than ever before. With the never-ending pressure on our health system, the Government recognises the growing role pharmacy can play. This is echoed by other industry reports, saying the best solutions are ‘backed by evidence2. Community pharmacy can differentiate itself by easily recording and capturing the data needed to show this evidence.

6 CPA provides more support to deliver professional services.

‘The Commonwealth will make available up to $1.26 billion … for evidence-based, patient-focused professional pharmacy programmes and services over the Term …3

GuildCare provides de-identified professional pharmacy program data to the Guild to show program effectiveness. This is crucial, as the Government has stated all future programs must show positive health outcomes if they are to remain funded.

For many of our readers attending APP later this month, GuildCare will be hosting a stand at the trade exhibition. Can you please outline your previous involvement with APP?

GuildCare has always had a presence at APP. It’s a unique opportunity to interact with pharmacists from across the country. We love to hear feedback so we continually improve our software.

For pharmacists and staff visiting, why would you recommend that they call past your stand?

Very exciting news! In fact, we will be making the biggest announcement about GuildCare since it was first launched in 2009. At our stand there will a mix of specialists — Clinical Pharmacists, Tech Gurus and our dedicated Account Managers. We’ll have the latest brochures for our market-leading pharmacy software programme. And more … they’ll have to come to the stand!

So don’t be shy and pop by! We’re at Stand 329.

Finally, what is one takeaway message that you would like to leave with pharmacists to consider in 2016?

We want attendees to leave our stand thinking:

‘Is there really any other one, market-leading, seamless pharmacy software that can be trusted to enable us to provide professional services, boost workflow efficiency and bullet proof our pharmacy into the future?’ We expect the answer will be … No!

GuildCare - APP 2016 Profile - GuildCare Programs

1 Internal GuildLink Data December 2015
2 ‘Access all areas’. The Grattan Institute September 2013 Stephen Duckett and Peter Breadon
3 2015 Australian Government Dept. of Health Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement [P 15,Section 6.11]

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