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UK’s National Pharmacy Association Leader to Headline at APP2016

Pharmacy Guild - APP 2015

Chair of the UK National Pharmacy Association (NPA), Ian Strachan will share his experiences of the recent significant changes to the UK health sector, and key learnings for pharmacists, at APP2016.

APP Chairman Kos Sclavos, said that Mr Strachan is well placed to discuss key learnings and provide insight into a changing health care system – as Australia heads towards major changes in our own health care system.

“With access to Sixth Agreement funds for new professional pharmacy services requiring pharmacists to jump through more hoops than ever before, there is much to learn from the UK health model.

“The UK system of commissioning and contracts for funding of programs has, on many occasions, created an unfair playing field for pharmacy. Funding has not been sustainable and, for many UK pharmacies, a fair return for the services provided has not been achieved.

“I believe the new system in 6CPA where funding for programs is contingent of a positive recommendation from a body such as the Medical Services Advisory Committee may create similar issues to that seen in the UK,” Mr Sclavos said.

Mr Sclavos added that Ian will also comment on the £15 million scheme by the NHS to fund, recruit and employ clinical pharmacists in GP surgeries.

“The idea is that this scheme will strengthen links between general practice and the community pharmacy network.

“As a strong advocate for the pharmacy profession, I am keen to hear Ian’s, and the National Pharmacy Association’s, view on the new scheme,” Mr Sclavos said.

Ian Strachan began his professional career as a forensic scientist at the Home Office Forensic Science Laboratories in Reading. He then went on to study pharmacy and is now a pharmacy owner. In the last decade he has held a number of consultancy roles in the consumer health care industry and has been a contributing editor for a number of pharmacy publications.

APP2016 will be held from 17-20 March at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. The conference will feature an exciting line-up of over 70 international and Australian speakers, covering topics from cutting edge industry issues and clinical updates to finance and business management

Media contacts:
For further information about Ian Strachan, or APP2016, please contact Karis Bouher, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 07 3144 3614 or email

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