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Upper Hunter pharmacies are participating in the trial to enable women to access resupply of oral contraceptives

Seung Jin Youn Blooms The Chemist Singleton Heights

Pharmacies at Murrurundi, Scone, Muswellbrook, Denman, Singleton, Branxton, are part of the 12-month trial, which is the second phase of the NSW Government program.

The first phase of the trail which started 31 July 2023, saw participating pharmacies able to provide treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women aged from 18 to 65 years (inclusive).

Under the latest initiative, the only out-of-pocket costs for women seeking a resupply of their pill will be for the medication they need.

The NSW Government has also committed to providing $20 per consultation to participating pharmacists to support administration associated with the trial.

The ethics-approved clinical trial is led by the University of Newcastle, which is working closely with a multidisciplinary team including GPs, clinicians, pharmacists, rural clinicians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to ensure the trial is safe for women.

In Singleton where three pharmacies are part of the trials including Blooms The Chemist at Singleton Heights their pharmacist Seung Jin Youn said as the trial for the pill proceeds they expect to see more women attend the pharmacy.

“As you can obtain a script for the oral contraceptive for six months and the trial is just beginning we haven’t had too many inquiries at this stage,” she said.

On the UTI trial she said they had a number of women attend the pharmacy.

“Our advice would be to come and see us as soon as you believe you have symptoms,” she said.

For further information including participating community pharmacies visit the NSW

Health website:

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