8 million COVID-19 vaccinations delivered through community pharmacies

The rise in COVID-19 cases has seen a surge in patients visiting their community pharmacies for their vaccinations, with the sector delivering its 8 millionth dose yesterday after being brought into the national vaccination rollout in July last year.
Acting National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Nick Panayiaris, said the milestone of 8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccinations being administered through community pharmacies highlighted the pivotal role pharmacies have played, and are continuing to play, in helping manage the pandemic.
“The dedication and commitment of community pharmacists and their staff has helped to vaccinate millions of Australians across the country,” Mr Panayiaris said.
“But we must not be complacent and with the current rise in COVID-19 case numbers, it is more important than ever for people to get their vaccinations and their boosters.
“The number of people who have already had a vaccination in a community pharmacy highlights the confidence patients have in their highly skilled and trained community pharmacist. People trust their pharmacists and pharmacy staff.”
Mr Panayiaris urged people who have not yet been vaccinated or had their booster to do so immediately. “We still have a way to go with the current surge of cases and combined with the flu this winter, protection through vaccination is critical. It is also important to get your flu vaccination,” he said.
“And getting that protection through community pharmacies is easy and accessible.
“Pharmacies are open late and at weekends, and this reflects the willingness of community pharmacists to adapt and adjust to meet the needs of people wanting to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
“This is highlighted by data from the Department of Health which shows that at present community pharmacies are daily delivering more COVID-19 vaccinations than GPs.
“With the rise in numbers of people seeking vaccinations I recommend people book their vaccination appointment online by visiting http://www.findapharmacy.com.au.
“Alternatively, many pharmacies offer walk-in services where people can get their COVID-19, and flu vaccination, on the spot.”