Community pharmacies reach 7m COVID-19 vaccinations

Community pharmacies across Australia reached another milestone with the seven millionth COVID-19 vaccine being administered by a community pharmacist today.
The National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Professor Trent Twomey, said the achievement had been a major factor in Australia being able to start the transition to a post COVID-19 normal.
“Quite demonstrably, the use of community pharmacies in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has proven to be hugely successful and popular with patients,” he said.
“Since being brought into the vaccination program rollout in July last year, community pharmacies have proven to be pivotal in helping to reach maximum national uptake of COVID-19 vaccines.
“Reaching that maximum uptake has enabled governments across the country to ease restrictions and help businesses and the community get on with life.
“Significantly the use of community pharmacies as vaccination centres has been hugely popular with communities.
“This in part is because community pharmacies have been accessible, staying open later and on weekends, and providing vaccinations where people want them, and when they want them.
“It’s also because community pharmacists and their staff are trusted members of the communities they serve.”
Professor Twomey encouraged anyone needing a COVID-19 vaccination or booster to contract their local pharmacy of make a booking via
“I would also urge everyone to get their flu shot at their local pharmacy,” Professor Twomey said.
“This year’s flu season is predicted to be particularly severe because of the combination of the flu and COVID-19 so getting vaccination is more important than ever.
“People can book with their local pharmacy or just walk in to get their shot in most cases.
“They can also use the website to find a pharmacy convenient for them.”