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The Australasian College of Pharmacy looks to the future with new CEO

Dimitri Kopanakis

The Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP) continues to go from strength-to-strength, today announcing the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Dimitri Kopanakis.

ACP President, Ms. Michelle Bou-Samra, said the College’s Board had begun a rigorous recruitment process for its new CEO in December following Kathy Knack’s resignation to pursue a family business opportunity in Central Queensland.

“From the outset, the College Board said one of the most important traits we were looking for in a new CEO was significant experience in education management and continuing to add value to members.”

“Dr. Kopanakis’ international experience in leadership and management combined with his passion and history in education and training are a significant asset. We are very excited Dimitri has joined the ACP as CEO for what will be a year of continued growth,” said Ms. Bou-Samra.

“His background as an academic and senior executive covers all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and vocational education and training, including positions in the corporate and not-for-profit sector.”

Ms. Bou-Samra said that while 2020 had been a year of significant change, the College has continued to embrace the opportunity to change, modernise and secure its future.

“Since its establishment in 1980, the College has embraced change and continuously evolved as an education provider to meet the needs of members and the pharmacy industry. The College is proud of its independence while members remain at the centre of its educational mission. Dr. Kopanakis’ leadership will continue to drive the College forward to add even more value. The ACP Board is very optimistic for what 2021 has in store for the College and its members,” said Ms. Bou-Samra.

Dr. Kopanakis said that the College’s growth will strongly focus on its members, accreditation and education offerings which include Medication Management Review Stage One and Infection Control Training.

“This year the College commences a new phase in its 40-year history with the launch of a new brand. The College’s new brand reflects its ongoing commitment to growth with many new opportunities available, including partnerships as the official education provider, greater education offerings to all within the pharmacy industry and guaranteed CPD for members.”

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