Why you can’t get to sleep even though you’re dead-tired (and what to do about it)

Is there ANYTHING more frustrating?
Have you ever been so tired that when you wake up in the morning all you can do is daydream about getting back into bed that night? Fast forward to bedtime but there you are lying awake in bed struggling to get to sleep.
Sleep problems are one of the most common health issues affecting people, but many of us suffer in silence. From insomnia to disrupted dreams, restless legs or a snoring partner, poor sleep can affect your whole day. Particularly when you wake up feeling worse than when you went to bed.
It’s not just about feeling tired. Bad sleep can lead to a range of other problems, from anxiety to poor performance at work. And this year, with COVID-19 disrupting everyone’s routine and causing great stress and uncertainty, we all need decent quality sleep more than ever.
The good news is that there are steps you can take to combat insomnia and improve your sleep.
So, what are some of the main factors that make sleep so elusive, even if you’ve spent all day fantasising about bed?
#1. Stress
It’s no surprise that stress and anxiety can make it hard to fall asleep. Sleep is regulated by hormones, so if stress hormones like cortisol are high at night, this can cause insomnia. Lack of sleep can also make it harder for us to cope with stress, so it can become a bit of a vicious cycle.
Action it:
to reduce stress try mindfulness apps as well as steering clear of stressful news stories at night (particularly during COVID). Try setting aside some time in the evening to write out a to-do list for the next day, so that you’re not lying awake worrying about everything you have to get done. Incorporate some relaxing habits into your wind-down routine to switch your brain off, such as watching a fave TV show, debriefing with a friend/family member, reading or having a bath. Allow yourself some time to escape from the stress of the day.
#2. Technology
Being glued to electronic devices can make it harder for us to sleep for two reasons. Firstly, the blue wavelength light that our phones and tablets emit can trick our brains into thinking it’s daytime, which reduces secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin.
Secondly, being on devices, especially if you’re interacting with others on social media or playing games, can increase physiological arousal. Essentially the brain gets too excited to sleep.
Action it:
Try to avoid having devices in the bedroom, the bed should be reserved for sleep. Have a tech-free buffer zone for 30 minutes before bed. If you are going to be on your phone, try using ‘night mode’ or an app that blocks some of the blue light. There isn’t much research to show that this is less detrimental to our sleep, but it’s probably better than not using it.
#3. What you eat, and when
Most of us know that too much coffee can stimulate and make it hard to nod off, which is why we drink it so much of the time! But caffeine can stay in your system for up to six hours. Alcohol might make it seem easier to fall asleep, but it actually reduces your sleep quality. Food and mealtimes can also impact sleep. More evidence is emerging to show that it’s not only what you’re eating that’s important, but the timing of what you’re eating.
Action it:
Avoid caffeine for at least six hours before bed. If you’re really sensitive to caffeine this might mean not only cutting back on coffee and energy drinks in the evening, but chocolate and caffeinated tea as well. Try to avoid alcohol and large meals close to bedtime, and stick to a regular meal schedule during the day to keep your body’s sleep-wake cycle in check.
#4. Lack of routine
Although a bit of a sleep-in on weekends won’t hurt, having a regular sleep schedule can be really helpful for keeping the circadian rhythm (the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle) on track. If there’s lots of variability in the time you go to bed and wake up, this can ‘confuse’ the circadian rhythm, which not only impacts on sleep but overall wellbeing, too.
Action it:
It’s important to try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day. In the same way that small children need a consistent routine to help them sleep, having a consistent bedtime schedule and wind-down routine is important for adults too.
#5. Underlying health issues
Sometimes there are underlying health issues such as mental health disorders or sleep disorders that can impact sleep. Two common sleep disorders are insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea. Medications for different health issues can also impact on sleep.
Action it:
Keep a record of your sleep and alertness for a few weeks. This can be helpful information for your GP. If you think your problems sleeping might be caused by an underlying health issue, see your GP.
Of course, there may be unavoidable factors contributing to your lack of sleep (like screaming babies in the house, or challenging work rosters) – but putting into practice one or two small changes that are in your control can really make a difference over time.
Dr Stephanie Centofanti is the online course facilitator for the Bachelor of Psychology and the Bachelor of Psychological Science and Sociology at the University of South Australia. She is passionate about educating students and the community on health psychology, and in particular, the importance of sleep for our health.
Read more on on this topic and your sleep chronotype here.
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay